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"The alpha center of Health" and OnDoc started a personal account for patients of clinic

Customers: Alpha Center of Health

Product: OnDoc medical card Medical IT service

Project date: 2017/03  - 2017/05

On June 20, 2017 the OnDoc company announced start of a personal account for patients of network of clinics "Alpha Center of Health". It is white label-solution from OnDoc service in the form of mobile applications on iOS and Android and also the web version.

Alpha Center of Health (2017)

The personal account is developed to give the chance to patients to keep in contact with clinic and doctors. Using it the patient can register in acceptance to doctors online, communicate with administrators of clinic in an online chat. Information after acceptance comes to a personal account of the patient automatically — it is possible not to take any papers from clinic.

Patients can conduct monitoring of indicators of an organism, such as temperature, pressure or sugar in blood, to transfer data from fitness bracelets and "smart" gadgets, to enter courses of drug treatment to the personal account, to note when and what medicine was taken whether there were side effects. Doctors of clinic can get access with the consent of the patient to information from a digital medical card who helps the specialist to observe a status, to study the clinical record, indicators and data on drug treatment before consultation.

In the solution the telemedicine functionality and online payment of services from a personal account of the patient is already developed. These opportunities will be available to patients later. The first version of a personal account is available to patients of the Moscow branch of network of clinics "Alpha Center of Health".

"Studying needs of our visitors and patients, we understood that the best solution — well thought over personal account for patients which will help to stay in touch with clinic 24 hours a day. Additional opportunities of service which help to care for health independently will be pleasant to those who lead a healthy lifestyle and the fitness focused audience. The digital world with "smart" gadgets demands from clinics of such service which will be exact as hours and available as the smartphone".

Tatyana Kondratyeva, head of retail sales and marketing of federal network of clinics "Alpha Center of Health"

"Work on the solution for "the Alpha Center of Health" is an orientation to a brand of organization taking into account his requirements. It is important that the personal account of the patient for clinics was developed by those who already have an experience in integration with medical information systems and works with medical information. For many clinics the choice of OnDoc became natural — service helps to achieve the marketing goals and to solve problems of business process automation and maintenance of patients. OnDoc conforms to requirements 152-FZ and FSTEC".