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2024/06/18 16:00:03

Syringes (Russian market)



Injection Needles (Russian Market)

Main article: Injection needles (Russian market)


The photo below shows why one needle cannot be used multiple times.


And this is not to mention the various possibilities of infection due to errors in sterilization.

Comparison of medical needle tip (A) with B = viper tusk, C = spider chelicera, D = scorpion stinger

2023: Moscow Region company invests RUB 250 mln in angiographic syringe production

On June 13, 2023, it became known about a loan of 196 million rubles, which was provided by the Industrial Development Fund (FRP) of TPK RadiusMed to launch the production of angiographic syringes in the Dubna special economic zone. Total investments in the project will exceed 250 million rubles. Read more here.

2022: Syringe production in Russia reaches 997 million units

In 2022, about 1 billion medical syringes were produced in Russia, which approximately corresponds to the indicator for 2021. Against the background of the deteriorating geopolitical situation and sanctions, domestic companies were unable to increase their output. This is stated in the review of BusinesStat, presented at the end of December 2023.

According to estimates, in 2018, about 814.5 million medical syringes were manufactured in the Russian Federation. A year later, output climbed 14.6%, reaching 933.6 million units. However, in 2020, the growth rate slowed down to 2.2% with a final result of 954 million units. Despite the increased demand for consumable medical devices during the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic manufacturers were unable to significantly increase the production of syringes. The reason was interruptions in the supply of the main types of raw materials - low-pressure polyethylene and polypropylene. Moreover, according to experts, from June 2020 to April 2021, the price of polymers doubled.

In 2021, the production of medical syringes increased by 4.9% - to 1 billion units. Production growth was supported by the commissioning of new facilities. In particular, in February 2021, Pascal Medical attracted a preferential loan from the FRP for 150 million rubles: the funds were used to expand the production of disposable syringes and needles. Mass free vaccination against coronavirus also contributed to the expansion of the market.

In 2022, the production of medical syringes in Russia decreased on an annualized basis by 0.4% - to 996.5 million units. Among the leading enterprises in the industry are named "Medical Production Company" Yelets, "" Pascal Medical, "" STK Group, "" Sterin, "" MIM, "" Medprom Bobeni Production, "" Ural Medical Company, "" Medpolymer LTD, "" AERS-Med "and"[1]syringes[2].

2017: Investments 600 million rubles from the Kirov plant

In August 2017, it became known about the plans of the Kirov Vostok plant to invest 600 million rubles in the production of needles for medical syringes. It will not be easy for companies to compete with foreign suppliers.

The large-scale plans of Vostok LLC were announced at the signing of a cooperation agreement with the Acting Governor of the Kirov Region Igor Vasiliev. In the document, a copy of which is at the disposal of Kommersant, Vostok is going to invest 600 million rubles in the production of disposable injection needles in 2018-2023 (of which 300 million are borrowed funds). It is assumed that the volume of shipment by 2023 will reach 200 million rubles a year. 

Kirov plant is ready to invest 600 million rubles in the production of needles for medical syringes

According to analysts cited by the publication, taking into account the import substitution policy, Kirov syringes will be in demand, but Vostok will not be easy to compete with foreign suppliers that control most of the Russian market.

It will not be possible to completely get away from imports with the opening of Kirov production, believes Nikolai Bespalov, Development Director of RNC Pharma: in addition to the Vostok imported equipment, most likely, special metal, rubber and plastic for needles will have to be purchased abroad.

This project can rather be called image. From the point of view of competitiveness, it would be advisable for an enterprise to try to attract a large foreign manufacturer as a partner, whose brand will allow promoting products, the expert believes.[3]

2016: Foreign Player Leadership

According to RNC Pharma analysts, in 2016 foreign syringes worth 4.2 billion rubles were imported into Russia (-0.2% compared to 2015), while in natural volumes supplies increased by 7% and reached 1.8 billion packages of syringes. 54% of the cash volume of products falls on Germany, in second place China (31%), the total supply of disposable syringes was carried out from 11 countries. Among the largest importers, analysts call SFM Hospital products (occupies 23.2% of the total import volume), B.Braun (13.4%) and Tianjin Medical medical equipment (11%), a total of 36 companies import syringes into Russia.
