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Rostec System of local radio navigation

Developers: Rostec (state corporation), Ruselectronics (Russian electronics)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017
Technology: Satellite communication and navigation

State Corporation Rostec of the beginnings in 2017 of testing of a system of the local radio navigation providing enhanced accuracy at effective interference protection including which are artificially created. Development as a part of corporation is conducted by specialists of the joint holding "Ruselectronics".

The created system allows to exclude almost completely a possibility of hostile influence for the purpose of distortion or stealing of navigation data. It provides the highest positioning accuracy of objects – to only 10 cm, and in three-dimensional space. For comparison, the accuracy of the widespread systems of satellite navigation varies in the range of 1-2 meters now.

Potentially development can become a basis for the anti-theft systems protected from muffling, traffic monitoring systems, including pilotless and also objects which are badly visible to the GLONASS satellites, for example, in open gold mining pits.

Also the system of local navigation allows to check the data on road accident necessary for traffic police and insurance companies. In the future it can be used in land pilotless vehicles where the traffic safety requires accuracy within 10 centimeters.

System transmitters at the heart of which the chips developed by Ruselectronics, it is going to place on towers of mobile communication. They have higher power potential, than transmitters of the satellites placed at distance of 20 thousand km from Earth.

At the same time the signal in network will be not only is steadier against suppression, but also is protected from counterfeit using the algorithm providing its permanent change. One of the main differences of development from global GLONASS systems, GPS, Galileo which signals are well-known, permanent consists in it and can be subject to such influence as "spoofing" (counterfeit) with the hostile purposes.

The cost of the base station of a system will be about 60 thousand rubles. For the end user, for example, of car owners, it is supposed to provide optimum consumer characteristics of system module: its sizes will not exceed 50х100 mm, and energy consumption will be minimum.