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2017/12/22 12:04:31

TAdviser Interview: the deputy director Fonda of industry development - about EDMS selection terms

Vladimir Raspopov, the associate director of Fund of development of the industry, in an interview of TAdviser told about features of implementation of EDMS TESSA in IDF and the main tasks of a new system.

to Us it was important to br to implement quickly the ready-made solution in which all standard opportunities of EDMS for the enterprises of the industry are already implemented

Tell about background of an implementation project of the TESSA system. How processing of documents earlier what defects were required to be eliminated was organized?

Vladimir Raspopov: The fund of development of the industry is formed for the purpose of support of implementation of industrial policy by Minpromtorg in Russia. We provide two types of support to business from the state - financial and non-financial. Non-financial measures consist in development and providing to industrial enterprises and other subjects of industrial activity of various services of support of business development based on SIS (State Information System) of the Industry. One of the main services is the maximum simplification of receiving measures of the state support by the enterprises based on service of the navigator of measures of support and electronic document management and also minimization of terms of correspondence on other questions arising at the enterprises with authorities due to integration of document flow with the corresponding systems of authorities. These tasks were set by the concept of development of GISP and according to the plan are implemented in 2017.

How did selection process of a new system take place? Why the choice fell on the TESSA platform? At what else products did look narrowly?

Vladimir Raspopov: Selection process took place according to the standard scenario. The most known workflow systems were originally selected and a number of meetings with representatives of developer companies is held. On the presentations it was in detail considered as a part of the administrator is arranged – as far as a system is available to independent development without involvement of vendor or partners as the situation with documentation of a system what opportunities a system represents to parts of integration with other systems, presence of the full-function web client and a possibility of the YuZDO organization is. At EDMS TESSA all these aspects were well shown. The vendor provided us the test stand and we were independently convinced of systems capabilities. We also estimated convenience of the unique module - mobile approval which provides a possibility of approval of documents by mail. The considerable role in the choice was played by the system interface and flexibility of vendor in the form of readiness for implementation within the project of additional platform functionality (the EDS web versions of a system, authorization using ADFS and so on).

What main objectives were set for a new system?

Vladimir Raspopov: It was important to implement quickly the ready-made solution in which all standard systems capabilities of electronic document management for the enterprises of the industry connected to GISP are already implemented. Also a system had to have a possibility of sending documents to other enterprises and in IDF, signing of documents EDSs including in the web client, and integration with EDMS of Minpromtorg. For convenience of users of GISP it was necessary to provide embedding of the EDMS interface in the general interface of the GISP portal with the centralized authorization of users on the portal. This functionality was implemented in EDMS TESSA through ADFS service, i.e. the user authorized on the GISP portal comes into EDMS without additional input of the login password.

What number of employees was going to be covered?

Vladimir Raspopov: A system assumes connection of an unlimited number of users as except the staff of Fund the GISP enterprises, all authorities concerning implementation of industrial policy, the scientific and engineering organizations, the certified centers, industry associations, business communities and so on will work with a system.

What difficulties arose during implementation?

Vladimir Raspopov: At the time of the beginning of our cooperation a system provided YuZDO only regarding the dekstopny application - the thick client. This problem needed to be solved quickly. For signing of the EDS in the web version there was a need of implementation of functionality at the level of the platform and release of its new release with support of a plug-in of Crypto Pro of the EDS of Browser. From this party the vendor showed aerobatics – readiness to release system release under our task characterizes the producer as the company flexible, capable to quickly make the decision and to estimate all aspects of an assigned task.

Similar situation with ADFS – in addition at the level of the platform implemented authentication using ADFS. All the rest was implemented within the project solution and difficulties did not cause.

What features of the project to you were remembered most of all? Why?

Vladimir Raspopov: Our plans for automation, obvious cost efficiency of the project and limited time for implementation of conceived made the project very intensive. Yes, of course, work with government institutions leaves the mark, and approval of separate protocols took long time, but it was not reflected in the general diagram of project implementation.

Whether there were difficulties at the staff of the company with adaptation to a new system?

Vladimir Raspopov: TESSA allows to configure most conveniently and functionally jobs of users, at the same time without overloading them. The user interface and a workplace of the system administrator are intuitive and simple. In open access videos and detailed instructions for work and the EDMS setup are submitted that, certainly, helps users to adapt with a new system.

What results managed to achieve using a new system?

Vladimir Raspopov: A system is brought into commercial operation in October, 2017. Objectively it will be possible to estimate the choice of a system and result of implementation 3-4 months later.

With what solutions EDMS is integrated?

Vladimir Raspopov: TESSA is directly integrated with the GISP portal and is service of management of legally significant electronic document management of participants of GISP. The built-in authorization through ADFS, uniform for GISP services, allows to perform within one web window documentary interaction of structural divisions and information exchange with an electronic document management system of Minpromtorg of Russia.

Whether there are plans for development of the project?

Vladimir Raspopov: It is pleasant to work with a system, it provides all opportunities of document flow demanded in the market. We plan expansion of functionality of a system both in IDF, and between the GISP enterprises.