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In ALROSA the system of archiving and full-text indexing of e-mails from Commvault is implemented

Customers: ALROSA, JSC

Contractors: Commvault
Product: Commvault Data Platform

Project date: 2016/03  - 2017/09

ALROSA implements the system of archiving and full-text indexing of e-mails from Commvault

The solution Commvault allows to optimize backup procedures of a corporate system of exchange of e-mails

In December, 2017 the Commvault company announced implementation of the unified solution of archiving and full-text indexing of e-mails for joint stock company ALROSA (PJSC).

E-mail is an important business system for ALROSA in connection with the large volume of mail traffic and a geographically-distributed structure of office network. Having faced a problem of uncontrollable growth of databases of e-mails, the Customer made the decision to optimize backup procedures of the corporate system of exchange of e-mails constructed based on Microsoft Exchange 2013. The new solution had to provide the necessary level of granularity and depth of data storage, to perform archiving by the set rules, indexation and search in messages, to provide to administrators access to contents of correspondence of users of the company, and, if necessary, to provide fast recovery of correspondence or separate letters from archive. The system of archiving and full-text indexing of e-mails from Commvault became such solution. "We needed to transfer large volumes of letters from productive databases to cheaper storages, at the same time users had to have possibility of online access to letters from archive at any time" — Alexander Fedotov comments, the chief specialist of department of system administration and user support of JSC ALROSA (PJSC), "after Commvault product introduction to us was succeeded to release expensive storage systems under high-priority IT services. Growth of volumes of operational data was stabilized and became predicted".

Corporate mail with new functionality was developed on two platforms of the company, in the cities of Mirny where the production and extracting capacities of ALROSA company and at office in Moscow are concentrated. The solution is used in two SRK groups with a different set of the equipment and requirements that did not interfere with effective implementation and work. Amount of data in applications of Commvault about 10 TB (quantity of mailboxes – about 9000).

Testing of opportunities of Commvault in the organization of backup was the second task, according to the Customer. The current solution did not cope with the increased volumes of corporate data. "The Commvault system proved to be a cut above competitors, I want to note separately the effective mechanism of deduplication implemented by Commvault which allows to reduce significantly the stored volume of backup copies" — Alexander Fedotov shares an impression about the solution.

Backup of devices of end users will become the next stage of implementation of Commvault. Test operation is conducted.

"This project is of particular importance for Commvault company as it is developed and implemented on the basis of modern technology of archiving of data with support of indexation and the full-text search provided by a data management system of Commvault Data Management Platform that allowed to provide necessary performance level, reliability, scalability of the solution taking into account further development of a corporate system of exchange of e-mails of ALROSA company", Andrey Zhemerya, the architect of IT solutions, Commvault noted.