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Баннер в шапке 2



Protasov Vladislav Ivanovich was born in 1946 in the Urals, graduated in 1969 from the Physics and Technology Department of the Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute. He trained at the IYF SB AN and the Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences.

In 1984 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in the specialty 01.04.07 - condensed state physics. He worked in the Sverdlovsk branch of NIKIET, headed the department and was a scientific secretary at the Research Institute of the Moscow State University, Taganrog, headed the department "Information Systems and Management Technologies."

As of January 2018, he is an assistant professor at MAI.

In 2021, at the NSTU named after Alekseeva defended his doctoral dissertation in technical sciences on the topic "Methodology and practice of building collective intelligence systems" and in the same year was appointed professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute.


As of January 2018, 201 articles are on the list of works. Hirsch index - 7 points. He presented more than 40 reports to all-Russian and international conferences. Monograph "Designing metasystem transitions" has been published. Head of 3 RFFI grants, executor in 3 RFFI grants and ISTC grant. Students defended 1 master's thesis and ten master's.

The author of the theory of collective intelligence systems based on evolutionary coordination of decisions. A number of basic theorems have been proved and a mathematical model of these systems has been developed. Conditions have been found that increase the probability of obtaining the right solutions and reduce to almost zero the probability of erroneous solutions in collective intelligence systems.


Areas of interest: collective intelligence systems, deep learning neural networks, pattern recognition.