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Баннер в шапке 2

Aripov Abdullah Nigmatovich




Aripov Abdullah Nigmatovich
Aripov Abdullah Nigmatovich


Abdullah Nigmatovich Aripov (uzb. Abdulla Nigʻmatovich Oripov) was born in the capital of the Uzbek SSR Tashkent on May 24, 1961.

In 1983 graduated from the Tashkent electrotechnical institute of communication. Qualification — the engineer of telecommunication.

From 1983 to 1992 worked as the electronics engineer of 1 category at the Tashkent telephone and telegraphic station.

Then for 1993 worked at a position of the chief specialist in the Ministry of Communications of the neogenic Republic of Uzbekistan.

From 1993 to 1995 held a position of the associate director of Uzimpeksaloka foreign trade company.

Short time in worked at a position of the head of department of construction and supply of the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

From 1995 to 1996 worked as the CEO of JV Tashafinalal.

Further not for long worked at a position of the head of department of privatization and development of the competition of the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In 1997 worked at a position of the head of department of market conversions and securities of the Uzbek agency of mail and telecommunications.

From 1997 to 2000 worked at a position of the director of Fund of the state support of development of mail and telecommunications.

From 2000 to 2001 worked at a position of the First Deputy CEO of the Uzbek agency of mail and telecommunications.

2001: CEO of the Agency of mail and telecommunications of Uzbekistan

Since August 15, 2001 worked at a position of the CEO of the Uzbek agency of mail and telecommunications.

2002: Deputy prime minister of Uzbekistan

On May 30, 2002 it is appointed the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan — the head Kompleksa concerning communication and information telecommunication technologies — the CEO of the Uzbek communication agency and informatization.

Since February 4, 2005 — the deputy prime minister — the CEO of UZASI, the head Kompleksa concerning information systems and telecommunications.

Since October, 2009 — also supervises the social sphere, science, education, health care, culture and is responsible for contacts with partners in the CIS.

2012: Criminal case. The associate professor at the IT Tashkent university

Since August 22, 2012 Abdullah Aripov gets to disgrace. He was ousted the deputy prime minister (then media connected his dismissal with the conflict unrolled around MTS Uzbekistan mobile operator — "subsidiaries" of the Russian company MTS). The Uzbek online edition Uzmetronom announced excitation against it criminal case. In particular, illegal issue of permissions to installation of additional repeaters for needs of Uzdunrobita company (a brand of MTS Uzbekistan) was charged to Aripov. But in 2013 criminal case was dismissed against Abdullah Aripov.

From August, 2012 to September, 2016 worked as the associate professor at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT). Candidate of Economic Sciences.

2016: Prime minister of Uzbekistan

Since September 14, 2016 the new acting president of Uzbekistan appoints him the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan — the head Kompleksa concerning youth policy, culture, information systems and telecommunications.

On December 12, 2016 at a congress of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (uzb. O‘zLiDeP) Aripov's candidate was proposed for the prime minister's position. It is considered and approved during joint sitting of Legislative chamber and the Senate Oly Mazhlisa on December 14.


He is married, children: five daughters.


It is awarded with the awards "D¸stlik" and "Menat of a Shurata"