Customers: Pharmperspektiva
Contractors: Sphere (Samara) Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructureProject date: 2016/03 - 2016/09
Number of licenses: 300
The TONK company announced project implementation on the organization of jobs in divisions of warehouse logistics of Pharmperspektiva company. As the contractor on the project the Sfera company, the partner of TONK Group in the city of Samara acted.
Project Tasks
It was required to replace 300 jobs at offices and services of warehouse logistics of the company. Earlier personal computers which at the time of project implementation morally and physically became outdated were used.
The general structure of an information system of the customer represents a uniform server part and a number of geographically distributed offices (skalad) with the jobs connected on terminal access. Peripheral devices, such as scanners, printers, MFP, are connected on network, others (barcode scanners, etc.) connected directly via the device with loading of the corresponding drivers.
Project Progress
As an automated workplace thin clients TONK of 1502 from the preset operating system Linux Embedded in a configuration of 4 GB of RAM, 16 GB the disk storage module with the built-in adapter were delivered Wi-Fi.
The platform TONK 1500 series represents the compact device which fastens for the monitor, thereby saving the place in the work area of the employee. Capacity of the device is enough for work with a packet of office applications, 1C and also a set of the specialized software used by the customer.
The general administration of devices is performed from server side. The management system for a large number of thin clients (SSSM) can be optionally purchased.
Project Results
As a result of project implementation the customer received 300 jobs with a possibility of configuring of the rights of the user pool by change of domain settings. Because the average term of life of devices makes 7-8 years, devices do not need maintenance, there is no need of purchase of the OS expensive distribution kit from Microsoft, energy consumption is several times reduced and there are practically no losses from technology idle times on damage, annual average total cost of ownership jobs managed to be lowered several times in comparison with personal computers.