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World Wi-Fi the Blockchain platform of the global decentralized free network

The name of the base system (platform): Ethereum Blockchain as a Service (EBaaS)
Developers: World Wi-Fi
Branches: Advertizing, PR and marketing,  Telecommunication and communication


World Wi-Fi is a blockchain platform for creation of the global decentralized Wi-fi free network integrating mainly home routers.

Participants of the platform are normal users, owners of routers and advertisers. Users receive the free Internet; owners of routers — remuneration from advertisers for the advertizing browsed by users; advertisers — the effective instrument of targeting of advertizing and analytics of advertizing campaigns.

Payment for use of the router will be made in cryptocurrency. Amount of remuneration depends on the number of the advertizing browsed by users through each specific access point. At the same time the owner of a point receives assignments not only from the device, but also from all routers which joined network according to its link. World Wi-Fi also receives the commission from advertizing. Distribution of remuneration is fixed in a blockchain.

World Wi-Fi works based on the Ethereum blockchain platform. All calculations in the platform are performed only in WeToken (WT) — universal currency. 1 WeToken = to 10 advertizing demonstrations in World Wi-Fi.


Pre-sale of coins WeToken started on December 1, 2017, the stage Token Sale will begin on March 18, 2018. During these stages it is going to sell only 258 million tokens (not sold coins will be then are destroyed) counting upon collecting of $25 million. During Pre-sale of a stage the bonus up to 25% and interest-free root referral links is provided to buyers. Sale of WT will be performed at the price of $0.1. According to authors of the project, it is 3 times less, than cost an average in the market of 10 demonstrations of advertizing in Wi-fi networks.[1]

You look also the Blockchain and cryptocurrency
