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Philips Ingenia (MRI scanners)

Developers: Philips Healthcare
Last Release Date: 2021/08/25
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare


Main article: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


Presentation of the first serial MRI with a field intensity of 1.5 Tesla produced in Russia

On August 25, 2021, Philips informed Zdrav.Expert that it had produced a regional magnetic resonance photograph at the site of X-Ray Industry JSC (a division of NPAO Amiko) in the city district of IstraMoscow. Production was launched in March 2021, equipment will soon begin to enter Russian hospitals.

File:Philips презентация МРТ серийного производства 25.08.jpg
Presented is the first serial MRI with a field strength of 1.5 Tesla, produced in Russia

The Philips Ingenia 1.5T system was the first MRI with a field strength of 1.5 Tesla, which began to be mass-produced in Russia. Philips planned investments in MRI production in Russia in the next five years - about 5 million US dollars.

Collaboration between Philips and NPAO Amiko began in 2017 with the release of high-end and expert-class ultrasonic systems. These solutions, like Philips computer tomographs, have been manufactured at a plant in the Moscow region for more than three years.

The manufacture of MRI in the urban district of Istra is the first such large-scale production of Philips in Russia. In 2017, we signed a cooperation agreement with Philips. During this time, the company, in partnership with NPAO AMIKO, established the production of ultrasound devices, computer tomographs, and here we were present at the launch of high-precision and high-quality MRI devices that will help specialists make diagnoses more accurately. We are glad that such a company produces sophisticated medical equipment in the Moscow Region,

Compared to the production of CT and UZ systems, the production of magnetic resonance imaging is an even more complex process that requires high personnel skills, a significant number of components and maximum accuracy of operations. To prepare the site, Philips delivered precision assembly equipment and tools to the plant, as well as conducted training for staff. In addition, the company carefully monitors the quality of each manufactured product. As a result, Philips medical equipment manufactured in Russia meets the company's uniform international standards and is not inferior in quality to devices delivered from abroad, and production capacities allow the production of at least 50 MRI devices per year.

The production of high-tech medical equipment in our territory countries makes it possible for Russian customers to receive worthy international-class solutions with the necessary parameters at an acceptable price. Also, the qualification of the personnel of enterprises is increased and the system country's health care as a whole is developing. During the pandemic COVID-19 , the growing demand of the Russian market for systems for fast and accurate diagnostics became noticeable. I am sure that Philips and the AMICO group of companies will not dwell on what has been achieved and in the future will expand the product line to respond to current system requests, health care
said Maxim Kuznetsov, head of Philips in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and the CIS.

NPAO AMIKO is one of the representatives of the Russian production of medical equipment and products. At the same time, we are introducing international best practices into our work. We are pleased with the partnership with Philips, thanks to which we were able to launch the production of magnetic resonance imaging. This is a complex high-tech process that requires certain conditions for production and accuracy in operation. We have already demonstrated the results of our partnership with Philips - the first MRI is already ready to be sent to a medical facility,
added Nikolai Blinov, director of NPAO AMIKO.

Philips Ingenia 1.5T MRI Launch Agreement in Moscow Region

On March 17, 2021, Philips informed Zdrav.Expert about the expansion of the production of medical equipment in the Moscow region and the beginning of the production of magnetic resonance tomographs Philips Ingenia 1.5T based on the enterprise of X-ray Industry JSC in the urban district of Istra, Moscow Region. The corresponding agreement with X-ray Industry JSC, which is part of the Amiko group of companies, was signed on March 16, 2021.

Philips launches MRI production in the Moscow region

The first MRI Philips Ingenia 1.5T produced in the Moscow Region is planned for production from the plant in the third-fourth quarter of 2021.

The medical equipment Philips project RUSSIAN FEDERATION was planned in detail and discussed Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation from the earliest stages. In 2015-2016 Philips repeatedly submitted for approval to the Department of Development pharmaceutical medical industries and the concept of high-tech production, and medical equipment then adjusted plans based on the results of consultations. Thanks to constructive interaction with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the project was finally approved, and in July 2017 ultrasonic , the production of high-end and expert-class systems was launched in the Moscow region in partnership with X-ray Industry JSC. As of March 2021, this plant produces UZ systems and Philips computed tomographs. The plans also include deepening cooperation in production. KT

Russian medical equipment Philips meets the company's uniform international standards and is not inferior in quality to devices manufactured abroad. In addition, thanks to production in Russia, the time for supplying equipment to clinics is significantly reduced.

Thanks to the production of equipment in Russia, domestic customers get the opportunity to purchase equipment at the international level. The production of innovations relevant to the local market is one of the priority areas of Philips activity in our country. In general, the production of high-tech medical equipment in Russia contributes to the development of the medical ecosystem. We are glad that we manage not to stop there and expand the range of solutions manufactured here. We are confident that the joint efforts of the government of the Ministry of Defense, Philips and the Amiko group of companies will make technology more accessible to medical institutions, which means they will help improve the quality of health care in many regions of the country,
noted Maxim Kuznetsov, head of Philips in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and the CIS.

Philips medical equipment has been manufactured on the basis of our company for three years. During this time, hundreds of computer tomographs and UZ devices that meet the best world standards were delivered to Russian hospitals. We appreciate the partnership with Philips and expect that soon medical institutions will also be able to replenish the equipment fleet with high-quality MRI scans made in the Moscow Region,
notes Nikolai Blinov, director of NPAO Amiko.

2020: Ingenia Ambition with reduced helium consumption in Russia

On October 29, 2020, Philips introduced Ingenia Ambition magnetic resonance imaging on the Russian market. The Ingenia Ambition MP device is designed using the microcircular cooling technology of BlueSeal, in which the volume of liquid helium consumed by the device is reduced from one and a half tons to seven liters.

Ingenia Ambition
"The health care system faces daunting challenges. The answer to them requires a fundamentally new approach to the organization of all processes, including precision diagnostics, "said Mikhail Goncharov, director of the Philips precision diagnostics cluster in Russia and the CIS. - MR-tomograph Ingenia Ambition was created taking into account these requests. By reducing the volume of helium in the apparatus, we not only facilitate its installation and maintenance, but also care about the preservation of this Earth resource. At the same time, the tomograph has the same magnetic field strength as standard Philips devices - 1.5 Tesla. It provides high image quality and is equipped with a number of our solutions that optimize workflows for clinicians and improve the comfort of the procedure for patients. We hope that the appearance of this MRI on the Russian market will help increase the level of diagnosis in many medical institutions in the country. "

Technology BlueSeal

Contrary to popular belief, helium is a non-renewable resource. Its stock on the planet is depleting, and the cost is increasing every year. At the same time, according to studies, 20% of its annual consumption falls on magnetic resonance tomographs.

Liquid helium is used in MR tomographs to cool the magnet winding to a temperature close to absolute zero, and thus achieve a superconductivity effect. The standard apparatus uses from one and a half to two tons of helium, which can evaporate and which must sometimes be added. Philips introduced BlueSeal technology. Thanks to it, Philips uses less than 0.5% of this amount of liquefied gas and seals it in the production stage. The technology eliminates quench in the traditional sense: the release of helium gas to the outside in the event of a loss of superconductivity by a magnet does not occur. 7 liters of substance is enough for the entire life of the device.

BlueSeal Magnet

The device weighs almost a ton less than the classic. At the same time, the absence of the need for a quench pipe allows you to optimize the cost of preparing the room and installing the equipment.

In addition, the downtime of the MRI room is reduced: with most problems, the device restarts offline or by pressing one button. Thus, Ingenia Ambition radiation diagnostics departments will be able to conduct high-quality diagnostics to more patients.

Compressed Sense Technology

The low helium count in Ingenia Ambition MRI does not reduce imaging quality in any way. Moreover, Compressed SENSE technology allows scanning in 2D and 3D modes up to 50% faster with equivalent image quality. In other situations, the doctor may obtain an even more detailed image at a standard scan rate. Increasing the rate of the procedure allows increasing patient flow in the ward.

Technology VitalScreen and VitalEye

Ingenia Ambition MRI is equipped with technologies that can optimize the clinic's workflows. So, the interactive display VitalScreen located on the gentry of the tomograph allows the doctor or laboratory assistant to plan the study, position the patient and control the contrast without departing from the tomograph. And with VitalEye technology, it is possible to continuously control the patient's movements and breathing without direct operator intervention. Solutions simplify routine processes and free doctors time for the most important thing - attention to patients and care for them.

Ambient Experience In-Bore Solution

The reason for prescribing repeated MR studies may be artefacts of respiration and movement caused by patient anxiety during the study. The Ambient Experience In-Bore solution creates a comfortable environment for the patient using light, sound, visual effects and voice prompts. According to user feedback, the number of re-scans required is reduced by 70%.


Ingenia Ambition X

On September 11, 2018, Philips Healthcare launched the Ingenia Ambition X 1.5T MRI system on the market. The first Ingenia Ambition X is already installed at the Spital Uster Hospital in the Swiss canton of Zurich.

According to the manufacturer, Ingenia Ambition X improves the overall performance of the MRI compartment, thanks to a new type of magnet BlueSeal and innovative applications. BlueSeal is a fully enclosed magnet that requires significantly less liquid helium to cool than conventional scanners. As a result, the new MRI system is about 900 kg lighter, takes up less space, it is easier to install and restart it in case of any malfunction. Ingenia Ambition X is the world's first MRI system that does not require re-loading of helium, which reduces the likelihood of potentially long and expensive failures and practically eliminates the dependence of the scanner on suppliers.

Philips Ingenia Ambition X MRI System

Ingenia Ambition X includes a number of innovative features that combine to deliver significant performance improvements. With Philips EasySwitch Magnetic Field BlueSeal, you can easily turn off the magnetic field, and then quickly put it back in working mode. Ingenia Ambition X combines programs for control of position of the patient and analytics of SmartExam Adaptive Intelligence for automatic planning, scanning and processing of images. Due to this, only one operator is required to conduct the study.

Philips Compressed SENSE is an application that reduces study time by 50%. In addition, the new system uses Philips VitalEye, a program for tracking respiratory movements. Collectively, these innovations help standardize and accelerate the workflow, allowing clinicians to focus exclusively on the patient.[1]

Philips Ingenia RT

On July 5, 2018, Philips Healthcare introduced the Philips Ingenia RT MRI system to support and plan radiotherapy, which allows you to obtain high-precision images and more clearly determine the boundaries of the neoplasm.

Simulation based on MR data allows oncologists to use MRI as the main method in planning therapy for prostate malignancies.

Specialized software allows you to obtain a contrast image of high-resolution tissues, and also determines the density of the tumor for calculating the dose of radiation. Protocols for fast scanning and post-processing allow you to obtain CT-like data based on MR images only in a few minutes.

Ingenia Elition 3.0

On March 1, 2018, at the European Congress of Radiologists, Philips Healthcare introduced the new 3T MRI scanner Ingenia Elition 3.0. According to company representative Rob Cascella, the system provides a 50% reduction in scan duration without losing image quality.

The new device embodied the company's work to optimize the MRI process: it uses Philips SENSE accelerated scanning technology and parallel imaging mode, which increases the speed of data transfer from the scanner to the computer. Ingenia Elition 3.0 facilitates workflow by enabling faster scanning and - with Ambient Experience in-bore Connect technology - a more enjoyable environment for patients. The main goal of the changes is to reduce the number of repeated scans, which increase the cost of the examination and interfere with the normal working process, the manufacturer said.

Philips Healthcare unveils 3T MRI scanner Ingenia Elition 3.0

In addition to Elition, Philips introduced the Prodiva 1.5T MRI scanner. The new set supports Philips Breeze Workflow technology, which uses a flexible, lightweight digital reel to enable quick setup. Philips also promotes Access CT, a 16-segment CT scanner introduced in 2017 on RSNA, and IQon Elite, a platform for spectral computed tomography that is notable for providing two-energy imaging that facilitates large scans.

In the ultrasound group, Philips launches the new Evolution 4.0 platform for the Epiq scanner family. According to Caszell, thanks to artificial intelligence, the new device provides increased diagnostic accuracy and is almost independent of the operator.

Philips Healthcare plans to begin trial deliveries of new devices in the second quarter of 2018.[2]
