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2018/03/16 08:48:34

Siemens Magnetom (MRI scanners)



2024: Magnetom Flow announcement

On February 28, 2024, Siemens Healthineers announced the Magnetom Flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system, which uses virtually no helium. Its volume is only 0.7 liters against approximately 1500 liters for traditional installations of a comparable class. Read more here.


Magnetom Altea announcement

On November 25, 2018, Siemens Healthineers introduced Magnetom Altea, a new 1,5T wide tunnel (70 cm) MRI scanner that uses BioMatrix technology that takes into account patient anatomical differences, and a new Turbo Suite app that can halve scan time. The scanner is also equipped with a new infotainment environment that visually expands the tunnel. Read more here.

First MRI using 10.5 tesla scanner

On March 13, 2018, researchers at the University of Minnesota Center for Magnetic Resonance Imaging performed the first full-body MRI scan using a 10.5 tesla scanner.

The project was launched in 2008 under a grant from the National Institute health care USA (NIH) in the amount of $8 million. Since quite a lot of helium was required to obtain a magnet of this power, its production was postponed for a whole year. Finally, the magnet for the tomograph under study was delivered from Great Britain a waterway to Duluth, Minnesota in 2009 and then shipped overland in a specialized trailer to the University of Minnesota MRI Center building on the Twin Cities campus.

10.5 tesla MRI scanner at University of Minnesota Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center

Researchers at the university worked for nine years on how to cool conductors below the required -455 ° F (or -270 ° C) liquid helium temperature, and also tuned the device's complex electronics. In addition, since MR tomographs have never been used to diagnose humans before, scientists also conducted animal studies to assess the device's safety.

The new MRI scanner (Magnetom 10.5T from Siemens Healthiners) allows you to get an image of the whole body, but the main point of application is the brain. In addition to the initial NIH grant, the researchers also received a five-year, $9.7 million grant from the NIH Brain Initiative group to develop a new generation of brain imaging techniques.

With this tool, we are going to expand the boundaries of imaging studies of the brain and the central nervous system as a whole, "explained Professor Kamil Ugurbil, director of the University of Minnesota MRI Center.[1]

The researchers hope that a new system with high magnetic field power will help assess the anatomical and functional structure of the brain from a new perspective.

Magnetom Sola announcement

On March 1, 2018, at the European Congress of Radiologists, Siemens Healthineers introduced the new 1.5 tesla Magnetom Sola MRI scanner with built-in BioMatrix technology, eliminating specific interference during examination. Read more here.


Siemens Magnetom Aera 1.5T did not work in prison

In November 2017, it became known that the long and winding path to the prison in Guantanamo, made by a portable MRI-scanner Siemens Magnetom Aera 1.5T, led to a dead end - the device, whose four-month lease cost $370 thousand, reached its destination, but never earned. here More.

Magnetom Vida announcement

At the end of February 2017, Siemens Healthineers announced the Magnetom Vida high-performance magnetic resonance imaging scanner, equipped with a new technology that adapts the system to each person. Read more here.
