Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Delta Electronics delivered the UPS in office of TV Center TV company

Customers: TV Center

Moscow; Media, TV and broadcasting

Contractors: Delta Electronics
Product: Delta Electronics: Ultron HPH

Project date: 2017/10  - 2018/03

On May 14, 2018 Delta Electronics announced delivery of the Ultron UPS of the HPH series to office of TV Center TV company. Due to the reorganization of office space the TV channel implemented two projects which purpose including was ensuring daily smooth operation of employees at head office of TV company on Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street of Moscow. TV Center addressed partners of Delta Electronics of Tempesto company which together with the partner Forsythe Tekhnolodzhis provided delivery and installation of equipment.

The first project appeared as a result of moving of a part of employees from one office in another, larger on the area. As the solution on ensuring uninterrupted power of jobs the Ultron UPS of the HPH series of 120 kVA with battery offices was selected. Due to the technology features of the building the air shaft of the elevator while the general ventilation of the building was organized in a different way was used for arrangement of the UPS - within project implementation all necessary inspections were carried out and new tapes of an air duct are laid. The main complexity was that in the air shaft the overlappings capable to sustain loading of the UPS and batteries therefore the project team specially built them were not provided, having strengthened all overlappings and having made an additional unloading frame on all area of the mine.

Replacement of the outdated UPS on new in the same building became a task of the second joint project. For this project the HPH series Ultron UPS, but already 40 kVA and with the built-in batteries was also selected. According to requirements of the customer, a monoblock system which excludes a factor of conflict situations on synchronization of separate modules was selected.

The Ultron HPH UPS with double conversion of energy on the characteristics is suitable for the small DPCs and other responsible applications requiring highly reliable protection of power supply. Thanks to the innovation three-stage inverter developed by Delta and the three-phase scheme of correction of electrical power factor (PFC), the Ultron HPH UPS has low nonlinear distortion coefficient of current of iTHD < 3% и высоким КПД, который в режиме преобразования AC-AC достигает 96%, а в экономичном режиме – 99%. В данной серии блоков бесперебойного питания большое внимание уделено отказоустойчивость системы. Алгоритм управления сокращает вероятность отказа системы вследствие неисправности одного элемента. Технология цифровой обработки сигнала сокращает число электронных компонентов, что приводит к уменьшению частоты отказов.