Spectec completed scaling of information system MRO in "The Norilsk and Taimyr energy company"
Customers: Norilsk and Taimyr Energy Company (NTEC) Contractors: NPP Spectec (Spectec), Alliance Consulting (AKIG) Product: TRIMProject date: 2017/04 - 2018/11
Number of licenses: 116
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Completion of scaling of information system MRO
On December 24, 2018 the NPP Spectec company announced end together with Alyans Consulting company of the project on scaling of the information management system maintenance and repairs of JSC Norilsk and Taimyr Energy Company. A system is created on the basis of the software package TRIM.
As prototype for scaling the system fragment created earlier within a pilot project, and which was in trial operation in Management of repairs, Management High-voltage networks and on CHPP-3 and also served in Management personnel and Management of logistics of JSC NTEK.
The stage of scaling started in July, 2018 with inspection of business processes of maintenance and repair (MRO) in divisions which should be covered in a system – CHPP-1, TETs-2 and Management of Teplovodosnabzheniye. Results of inspection became a basis for development of the project documentation.
The Alyans Consulting company carried out data collection and filling of templates by them for the automated loading. The uniform centralized database in which about 120 thousand items of equipment, 617 thousand spare parts and other material resources (MR), 26 thousand standard works are described is as a result created.
Upgrade of the integration solutions providing synchronization of data of information system MRO, systems of accounting and tax accounting on the platform "1C" and management systems for purchases MTR on the platform became a part of the project SAP. Thanks to integration solutions the consistency of information on arrival, existence, the movement MTR on warehouses and their expense is reached at accomplishment of a MRO.
Within scaling the license to use of the software package TRIM for 61 users so their total quantity for December, 2018 reached 116 is delivered to the customer. Users had training on the upgraded system exercise machine.
Along with scaling there was a trial operation of the first stage of a system. Engineers of NPP Spectec provided technical support of users, through a feedback collected information on system operation and the revealed problems, executed necessary completions.
"One of the most significant project deliverables is implementation of the complete, finished cycle of management of an IT product: from satisfaction of a request on automation and integrated management of processes of a MRO in structural divisions of the Customer, before building of full-fledged support system and change management. Such approach will allow to reduce considerably total cost of ownership an automated system and to make it the most available and configured for further replication". |
"An important project deliverable are data of separate information on the equipment in the single database. It opens a possibility of the centralized analysis of business data and unification of approach to management of a MRO in all divisions covered by a system". |
"Implementation of systematic registration of the significant facts of technical operation is of great value. These data should be used for management of reliability of the equipment and processes of a MRO". |
Pilot implementation of the software package TRIM
On May 15, 2018 NPP Spectec declared pilot implementation together with Alyans Consulting of the information management system maintenance and remontamiv to JSC NTEK.
A system is implemented on the basis of the software package TRIM. It covered a part of divisions of JSC NTEK which were defined for a pilot project - it is Management of repairs, Management High-voltage networks and CHPP-3. 55 users in the specified divisions and also in Management personnel of JSC NTEK and in Management of logistics are connected to work in a system.
"Priority tasks in TRIM for trial operation – to register execution of works and to reserve MTR under works of the current year, to plan works and to create the needs for MTR for 2019". Fedorovsky Vitaly, head of department of repairs of JSC NTEK
It was preceded by large-scale work which was performed by Alyans Consulting companies and NPP Spectec. The project started with diagnostic inspection of processes of maintenance and repair (MRO) in the stated divisions. By its results NPP Spectec develops the project documentation, including technical specifications and detailed specifications for works.
The Alyans Consulting company performed works on certification of the equipment which is in operation in the stated divisions. Data on the equipment were collected from different sources, and further are broadcast by specialists of NPP Spectec in the created information management system of a MRO. As a result the database of a system contains information approximately on 43 thousand items of equipment and 600 thousand spare parts and materials and also about 12.5 thousand standard works on a MRO.
Development and debugging of the difficult integration solutions providing interaction of the created system with other systems of JSC NTEK – with automated information system of accounting and tax accounting on the 1C: Enterprise platform and also with the information management system purchases of the material resources (MR) on a software platform of SAP became an important part of the project.
"The complexity of this project is caused by deadlines and specifics of integration with two adjacent systems interacting among themselves. The experience got by us very valuable both organizationally, and technology". Velizhanin Andrey, project manager from NPP Spectec
Since April 2, 2018 the information management system of a MRO on the basis of TRIM is in trial operation in JSC NTEK. Specialists of NPP Spectec carry out training of all users, the regulations of operation of a system are developed. For implementation of a cycle of continuous training of users will deploy the system exercise machine on hardware of the customer.
"The pilot project aims at working off of technology of implementation on the specific platform and approbation of software solutions. We calculate that it will become a basis for their replication on other divisions of JSC NTEK. Makarova Anna, director of the department of management consulting of Alyans Consulting company