The name of the base system (platform): | 1C:Enterprise 8.3 |
Developers: | 1C Joint Stock Company |
Branches: | Insurance |
Technology: | Accounting systems |
Product "1C:Enterprise 8. The KORP insurance company 8" — the solution for complex control automation by business of insurance companies allowing to automate the main sections of managerial and regulated accounting.
As of August, 2018, in a product about 20 subsystems covering the most widespread types of activity of insurance companies are implemented.
- reflection of requirements of the Bank of Russia for non-credit financial institutions;
- accounting on a unified plan of accounts;
- the flexible system of settings of compliances between a unified plan of accounts and the chart of accounts by order of N69n;
- automatic formation of personal accounts;
- reclassification of accounts;
- formation of standard accounting reports under a unified plan of accounts;
- charge of a premium to the insurance contract (joint insurance) entering and to outward reinsurance;
- charge of a commission fee according to insurance contracts (joint insurance) entering and outward reinsurance;
- charge of losses and returns according to insurance contracts (joint insurance);
- charge of a share of losses and returns in agreements of reinsurance;
- charge of insurance reserves;
- closing of month on accounts of insurance accounting.
Subsystem of accounting of the forms of the strict accounting (FSA)
- possibility of quantitative and number accounting of forms;
- accounting of forms by types and series;
- control of validity period and status of BSO;
- storage of BSO by MOL (responsible persons), the organizations, divisions, storage locations;
- accounting of operations with the order of BSO in printing house, to receipt of BSO on a warehouse, to relocation of BSO between divisions and materially responsible employees, issue of BSO to agents and return of BSO from agents;
- formation of acts of write-off and destruction of BSO, inventory reports BSO;
- formation of a register of BSO, BSO card, reports on a remaining balance and movements BSO.
Subsystem Accounting of agreements
Registration of insurance contracts
- input of necessary information on the signed agreement;
- possibility of the choice of version of the introduction of the agreement in force (from start date of responsibility, from a payment date, from the moment of the conclusion);
- accounting of information on the insurer (co-insureds in case of the agreement of joint insurance), agents, sellers;
- information input about the payment schedule, options of payment of the insurance contract;
- accounting of forms of the strict accounting, with check on existence and the status;
- information input about objects, risks, insurance sums, insurance premiums and other information;
- the indication of types and the amount of a franchize under the agreement.
Support of insurance contracts
- storage of all agreement revisions of insurance;
- setup of the reasons of change of insurance contracts. Automatic detection of availability of fields of the supplementary agreement depending on the change reason;
- setup of termination causes of agreements. Automatic calculation of the amount to return and to 'reversal' at agreement cancelation;
- automatic recalculation of payment schedules and the planned commission fee at change of an insurance premium;
- use of the statuses of agreements;
- automatic distribution of payments;
- error logging allowed at execution of the policy.
Subsystem Settlement of losses
- setup of the list of necessary documents on each product;
- registration of primary addresses, organization of work of call center;
- initial assessment of a loss;
- correction of assessment, after conducting examination;
- possibility of input of partial failures / payments on losses;
- scanning and attachment of electronic documents, photos to losses;
- installation of limits of payments for the staff of the company;
- formation of pay documents;
- formation of the magazine of losses.
Subsystem Commission Fees (CF)
- accounting of reports of the agent;
- automatic detection of the size of the added commission;
- automatic detection of the size of the commission to payment;
- different schemes of settlement with agents (independent deduction of agents QUARTER/transfer of KV after signing of the act of the commission);
- automatic filling of acts of the commission for fizizichesky and legal entities;
- integration into the "1C: Payroll and HR Management" system.
Subsystem Reinsurance
Inward reinsurance:
- accounting of obligatory and optional insurance contracts;
- loading setup bordero awards, losses and returns from files of a format MS Excel;
- conducting contributory reinsurance, reinsurance based on an excess of the amounts, an excess of losses and an excess of unprofitability;
- accounting of a cash loss;
- accounting of priorities and limits for ekstsedenty types of reinsurance;
- accounting of the minimum deposit award (MDA) for disproportionate types of insurance, recalculation of TIR on the end of validity;
- support of agreements of inward reinsurance;
- possibility of transfer of inward reinsurance to outgoing.
Outward reinsurance:
- accounting of obligatory and optional insurance contracts;
- conducting contributory reinsurance, reinsurance based on an excess of the amounts, an excess of losses and an excess of unprofitability;
- the flexible mechanism of setup of rules of transfer of agreements in obligatory reinsurance;
- restrictions on insurance object types, risks, types of insurance, currencies, insurance sums and awards, periods of signing of the contracts, etc.;
- automatic formation bordero awards, bordero losses, bordero rastorzheniye on the basis of current agreements of obligatory reinsurance;
- mechanism of support of agreements of optional reinsurance.
Subsystem Reserves
- calculation of Reserves: the reserve of not earned premium (RNEP), a reserve of the stated, not settled losses (RZNU), a reserve which occurred, but not claimed losses (Russian Party of People's Administration), but a stabilization reserve;
- possibility of calculation of reserves as on accounting groups, there and to accounting subgroups (additional accounting groups);
- flexible configuration of method of calculation of reserves (determination of base for calculation of RNP, RZNU, amount of the periods for calculation of the Russian Party of People's Administration);
- setup of communication of accounting groups with insurance risks and types of insurance;
- calculation of RNP by pro rata method, 1/8, 1/24;
- formation of report forms by calculation of reserves according to order 51H;
- loading of historical data on earlier calculated by the Russian Party of People's Administration ("triangles of losses");
- reflection of reserves in an accounting subsystem.
Subsystem Agency agreements
- registration of agency agreements with conditions of KV;
- creation of supplementary agreements according to agency agreements;
- creation of the temporary premium statuses under agreements, KV allowing to increase by any period to the agent;
- registration of powers of attorney and limits of signing of the contracts;
- use of the statuses of agreements;
- cancellation of agency agreements;
- group change of conditions of agency agreements;
- automatic detection and charge of the commission.
Subsystem Management reporting
- creation of any reports using the universal report and the console of requests;
- magazines of insurance contracts and losses (on the direct insurance entering and outward reinsurance);
- reports on the added and paid award;
- reports on the added and listed commission;
- reports on the planned and actually received money, formation of the register of agreements with overdue payments;
- reports on subrogation and regresses;
- reports on unpaid losses and returns;
- reports on terms of emergence, settlement and payment of losses.
Subsystem Loads
- possibility of accounting of general agreements, bordero to general agreements and policies (as within general agreements, and separately);
- loading setup bordero to general agreements;
- automatic formation of policies on the basis of loaded bordero;
- accounting of rates by routes, means of transport and types of transport;
- accounting of additions and exceptions;
- control of parameters of the policy (transportation term, routes, type of transport, rates) to the conditions stated in the general agreement.
Subsystem Mortgage insurance
- accounting of insurance premiums on proprietary insurance, a title and accidents;
- accounting of information on the borrower, pledger, bank, collateral and loan agreement;
- possibility of input of long-term agreements;
- charge of an insurance premium according to the diagram of charges;
- automatic calculation of an insurance premium depending on a sex, age of the insured persons and also from the region of insurance and existence of special programs;
- setup of structure of beneficiaries;
- control of existence insured in other insurance contracts;
Subsystem Accidents (A)
- accounting of shrink-wrapped software products (the fixed settings);
- accounting of banking and anderraytersky products (the fixed settings);
- accounting of collective agreements from accident;
- use of quotations of calculation;
- organization of interaction between the seller and underwriter;
- the calculator by calculation of cost.
Subsystem of the Going Abroad (GA)
- accounting of information on the programs insured in agreements VZR;
- the adjusted insurance rates allowing to calculate an award;
- loading of registers (Agreements) from the MS Excel, XML;
- the calculator by calculation of cost;
- bordero insured;
- reflection of interactions and settlement with Assistans;
- additional processes at settlement of losses: "Report of Assistans".
Subsystem Liability insurance
- insurance of both specific transactions, and activity in general;
- possibility of loading and maintaining the list of the insured persons;
- accounting of agreements by types of the enterprises;
- setup of calculation of insurance rates (calculator);
- possibility of predesign of insurance premiums.
Subsystem Proprietary insurance
- setup of calculation of insurance rates (calculator);
- possibility of predesign of insurance premiums;
- setup and accounting of shrink-wrapped software products;
- cumulation of agreements to the address of an object of insurance;
- accounting of the combined insurance contracts.
CMTPL subsystem
- use of the qualifier of RSA (Russian Association of Motor Insurers) by brands and models of vehicles;
- accounting of agreements, additional agreements, CMTPL rastorzheniye;
- creation of the insurance contract of vehicle fleet according to the CMTPL;
- automatic calculation of an award;
- printing of the policy and statement;
- request the coefficient bonus-malus (CBM) from RSA through web services;
- mandrel of information on policies in RSA;
- The Direct Payment of Losses (DPL) and integration with RSA;
- reporting of RSA.
Subsystem of KASKO
- accounting of information on vehicles, the beneficiaries allowed;
- accounting of agreements of the voluntary civil responsibility (VCR);
- the adjusted insurance rates allowing to calculate an award;
- the calculator by calculation of cost;
- possibility of accounting of insurance contracts of vehicle fleet;
- specialized processes at settlement of losses: "Direction on STOA", Results of STOA;
- use of the qualifier of NAMI for determination of market value of the CU.
Subsystem Accounting of agreements OSOPO
- automatic loading of the reference information from the website of NSSO through web services;
- the designer of input of dangerous objects (including hydraulic engineering constructions, gas station, elevators);
- automatic calculation of an award using the built-in calculator and using web services;
- accounting of BSO according to requirements of NSSO;
- automatic formation of the payment schedule according to requirements of NSSO;
- automatic recalculation of an insurance premium at change of conditions of insurance;
- loading bordero awards, losses, returns on the entering and outward reinsurance.
Subsystem Accounting of agreements OSGOP
- automatic authorization of numbers of forms;
- loading of the reference information from the website of NSSO through web services;
- generation of the QR code;
- accounting of types of transport, passenger traffic, parameters of vehicles (automobile, water, air, railway);
- control of insurance rates;
- automatic formation of payment schedules according to requirements of NSSO;
- loading bordero awards, losses, returns on the entering and outward reinsurance;
- formation of XML files under agreements and losses.
Subsystem Green card
- accounting of agreements, additional agreements, rastorzheniye of Green card;
- automatic calculation of an award;
- ZKASKO expansion;
- printing of policies and statements;
- loading of registers (agreements) from the MS Excel, XML;
- mandrel of information on policies in RSA;
- different options of settlement of losses (Seamless access in CK, CK Uregulirovshchik, Watch);
- necessary printed forms on losses (requests in the Russian Bureau "Green card", confirmation, the letter, etc.).[1]