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INPAS, Center-Invest Bank and DGTU started the robot cashier in the Rostov zoo

Customers: Center-Invest bank

Product: WayBot robot

Project date: 2018/02  - 2018/07

On September 19, 2018 it became known INPAS Center-Invest bank, Donskoy State Technical University (DSTU) and the Rostov zoo implemented the joint project – sale of tickets with the help robot- the cashier Waybot.

The robot is created by graduates and students of DGTU. The INPAS company acted as equipment supplier and the software: sale of tickets is performed via the built-in PAX D200 pinpad equipped with the payment solution Unipos Terminal which specialists of INPAS integrated with cash software of the robot. The Center-Invest bank provided accomplishment of payment transactions: specialists integrated the payment module into the robot and configured this functionality for the fastest payment using bank cards of any payment systems.

The robot sells tickets by bank transfer and prints the tickets purchased online. Also he is able to distinguish and analyze the speech of users.

The project, certainly, helped to make visit of a zoo by more comfortable due to convenient and fast cashless payment of the ticket. At the same time the robot cashier already became a part of the urban environment of Rostov-on-Don. We are glad to support the similar initiatives, especially considering that most of visitors of a zoo – children.
Angela Petrukhnova, product manager of INPAS

"The robot cashier will help a zoo to save on service of cash desks and collection of cash and also will increase quality of sales process of tickets as the smart machine works quickly, is not tired, is not mistaken and it has always a good mood.
Yury Bogdanov, chief innovation officer of PJSC CB Center-Invest