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ETK - Uniform transport card

Developers: Transtelecom (TTK), VTB - Vneshtorgbank, Russian Railways (RR)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2018/10/04
Branches: Transport
Technology: Cybersecurity - Biometric identification


UTC (Uniform Transport Card) – the travel document existing on all infrastructure of Russian Railways.


The Russian Railway, VTB and TransTeleCom agreed jointly to develop ETK

On November 28, 2018 Russian Railways (RR) announced TAdviser the conclusion of the tripartite agreement about cooperation with VTB bank and Transtelecom company on project implementation of the Uniform transport card of the Russian Railway (ETK Russian Railway).

The signed document provides cooperation of the companies on such directions as interaction within ensuring work of the Center of transport transactions of ETK, integration of information systems of VTB bank and JSC RZD, approbation of technology of use of the uniform transport card and development of solutions on development of the project.

The Russian Railway, VTB and TransTeleCom agreed jointly to develop the project of "The uniform transport card". Photo:

According to the Russian Railway, ETK in general represents the uniform payment instrument for payment of journey on railway transport (in distant following and the suburban message) and also for services at railway stations and stopping points (including services of Russian Railway holding and partners of the program).

VTB will provide technology of the e-wallet which provides transactions, operations of write-off and transfer of money with the ETK card. Transtelecom, in turn, is responsible for the technology processes during creation of a new product providing a possibility of storage of balance on the card that ETK in the mode of lack of Internet access will allow to use.

Replenishment of ETK will be available via the website of the Russian Railway or mobile application "the Russian Railway to Passengers", through ATM network of VTB and also cash in cash desks at stations.

It is supposed that for passengers the Uniform transport card will become the convenient instrument of payment of goods and related services having function of cashless payment using means of the e-wallet. It will allow to integrate separate booking solutions both in distant, and in suburban railway messages. Participation in the loyalty program of JSC RZD, different special offers and rates will be available to its owners.

Announcement of a prototype of ETK

On October 4, 2018 the Transtelecom company provided a product prototype – the Uniform transport card.

Uniform transport card

According to the company, thanks to the built-in chip, on the card it is possible to write tickets and travel cards for pass through the existing tourniquets. Storage information and data the e-wallet allows ETK to operate on the card even in a zone of lack of communication. And it means, in situations when payment by the normal bank card is impossible, the passenger will beznalichno be able to pay through POS- the terminal in the train any services or goods.

Owners of ETK can monitor all write-offs from the card in a personal account and also receive special offers in the rewards program of the Russian Railway and advantageous conditions from partners. Within a prototype convenient replenishment of ETK by cash and using bank cards is provided.

In the long term biometric data on its owner therefore it can become the document allowing to identify the personality can be integrated into ETK. On ETK purchase of the ticket up to departure of the train will become possible and contactless payment by mobile devices.

The ETK project will allow to accumulate and analyze data on activity of passengers that will allow to develop individual offers for clients and to improve service.

Unroll infrastructure of ETK and begin piloting of a product it is planned by high-speed trains "Sapsan" on route Moscow-St. Petersburg.