Was born on October 24, 1974 in the city of Leningrad. Graduated from physical and mathematical lyceum No30 in 1991. In lyceum received good preparation in the field of programming. The same year became the student of department of biomedical optics of engineering physical faculty ITMO.
Participated in a number of the projects organized by the rector of ITMO V.N. Vasilyev — a federal university computer network of RUNNet, the center of distance learning, the laser medical center, etc.
Also took active part in student's life. It was selected by the secretary Sankt-of the St. Petersburg union of students founded by the governor V.A. Yakovlev in 1999. Cooperated with the Union of scientists at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1996-2000.
With honors graduated from already St. Petersburg University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.
- During the period from 2000 to 2006 conducted the different activity connected with creation and administration of DPC, management of city trunk communication channels, VoIP implementation.
- In 2006 headed Network Operation Center servicing mass audience in the USA. As a part of one of the largest Russian integrators (BCC) developed and implemented a corporate system of distance learning in a number of the state and commercial organizations in 2007-2010 (one of which — Svyazinvest).
- Having thought of expansion of opportunities of distance learning, was fond of technologies of video broadcastings and webinars. Based on own enterprise created social video network. Cooperated with Channel One in 2010-2012 in the field of multilateral video conference through the Internet.
- Till 2016 continued to develop own projects connected with DO and webinars. Cooperated with the Test Center at ITMO in the field of assessment of pedagogical competences.
- For the period for 2010-2016 within own enterprise directed development and built architecture of several popular, high-loaded portals (with user base over one million and daily attendance over 50,000), using frameworks of Django/Python, Rails/Ruby, Angular/JS, PostgreSQL and a number of NoSQL of databases in development; optimized the code of several Nginx-modules for needs of the projects; developed and supported dynamic infrastructure of portals.
- Since February of the 2016th in June 2018th year Sberbank - Technologies \" was the head of development of the joint-stock company \", developed cloud computing of PaaS, SaaS, IaaS on the basis of the OpenStack platform. It is conferred the CEO's award for successful accomplishment of tasks of creation of the Cloud of Sberbank.
- Since the beginning of the 2016th year actively studied and popularized blockchain technology.
- Since July of the 2017th year there was the coordinator of community a developer blockchain of St. Petersburg, carrying out monthly mitapa and hackathons on which problems of development and deployment of technology are considered, relevant problems in the industry are solved.
- Since July of the 2018th year there was the chief development engineer of Laboratory a blockchain of PJSC Sberbank where works with the platforms Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Corda, Quorum, MasterChain, continuing to give lectures and profile educational courses, to take part in a role of the mentor and judge at industry conferences and hackathons.
- Since October of the 2018th year supervises educational a blockchain laboratory in scientific research institute of Digital technologies at the Russian Academy of Education.
- Records of performances: