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The administration of the Verkhoyansk district passed to electronic document management based on a system Case

Customers: Administration of the Verkhoyansk region of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic

Government and social institutions

Product: Case (EOS Group)

Project date: 2018/01  - 2018/06

On November 6, 2018 the EOS Group company reported that the Administration of the Verkhoyansk region of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic passed to electronic document management based on the CASE system with the organization of exchange of documents with participants of a system of interdepartmental and inter-level electronic document management of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic (MEDO R(S)Ya). The Infosistemy-KS company acted as integrator of the project.

The specifics of the project at the municipal level are caused by weak development of information infrastructure (including absence of the stable Internet) in the remote areas, need of purchase of servers and upgrades or creations from scratch of local networks.

"For many years in administration there were problems in office-work processes, namely: losses of documents, untimely delivery, long process of approval, etc. Workflow automation allowed to solve these problems".

Gavril Ilyich Chirikov, head of the Verkhoyansk district

A system was brought into commercial operation in June, 2018. In EDMS the entering and outgoing correspondence, resolutions and orders of the head of the district and administration is registered, it is controlled executions of instructions, work with draft documents, including regulatory legal acts, and all phases of approval are completed in electronic form.

EDMS "DELO" in Administration of the Verkhoyansk district is equipped with the option "Server of Electronic Interaction" (SEI) which allows to send documents to public authorities of the Republic and other organizations in electronic form. All sent documents automatically are registered at the addressee, at the same time the administration receives the notice of registration of the document with the entering number. Notifications come also at accomplishment of further transactions with the sent document at the addressee (transfer, issue of order, obtaining the performance report of order). Also the scheme works upside-down: in administration incoming correspondence from public authorities with sending notifications automatically is registered. The documents sent on Comecon are signed by the electronic signature that removes need of redispatching of documents in paper form.

According to the results of the project, the head of the Verkhoyansk district can work in EDMS "DELO" both from the working computer, and from the tablet, including using the electronic signature. Thus, even being in a business trip, he can receive mail for consideration, issue and control execution of instructions and sign electronic documents.

In the future the customer is going to scale a system – to put into it new document groups and processes of operation with them, to increase the number of users due to acquisition of additional licenses for the staff of Administration and subordinated organizations.