The New Economic Policy will recognize documents at execution of the CMTPL using Smart IDReader
Customers: New Economic Policy, This Electronic Policy Contractors: Smart Engines (Smart Endzhins) Product: Smart IDReaderProject date: 2018/05 - 2018/11
On November 7, 2018 the Smart Engines company reported that it "This Electronic Policy" (TEP) implemented a sensing technology of the documents Smart IDReader for simplification of the procedure of an execution of policies of the CMTPL on the Internet. According to the company, the implemented service allows avtozapolnyat information on drivers, the vehicle, the owner and the insurer.
For November, 2018 technical solution based on Smart IDReader provides functionality of recognition of the Russian Federation citizen passports given on images, all operating types of car driver licenses and the registration certificate of the CU (STS). Users during the work with New Economic Policy service from desktops and mobile devices can load on processing of the photo of documents or scans.
In the CMTPL calculator mode on the website for filling of these drivers recognition of driver's licenses is used. After the user selected insurance company he passes to execution of the policy. At this stage the sensing technology allows to fill out data on the vehicle from STS and also data of the owner/insurer from images of Russian Federation citizen passports.
The solution Smart IDReader meets our expectations of quality and speed of work, for November, 2018 distinguishing less than in 1 second passport details, STS or the rights to photos. Pavel Kaplenkov, representative New Economic Policy |