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ALE OmniAccess Stellar LBS (Bluetooth Low Energy)

Developers: Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2018/11/27
Technology: CRM - Loyalty systems,  Wireless analytics (WiFi-analytics),  Satellite communication and navigation

2018: Announcement

The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise company announced on November 27, 2018 that it added the solution for wireless networks of komponenty OmniAccess Stellar LBS. Technology innovations will help to expand digital interaction, to improve customer service quality and to increase their loyalty due to the services considering location of the user.

OmniAccess Stellar LBS is urged to increase quality of interaction with consumers by means of the different personalized services. Using the LBS company can estimate and analyze as their areas are used, and taking into account the acquired information to increase revenue, to increase efficiency of employees and to reduce costs. The solution uses two technologies at once — Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for users of mobile phones and Stellar Wi-Fi for the services using location.

The solution OmniAccess Stellar LBS is optimized for a wide range of tasks and the industries, including transport, health care and education. Its algorithm involves the sensors which are built in the smartphone: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and the sensor of acceleration for providing information on exact location also minimizes use of the battery of phone. Stellar LBS adapts to environmental conditions and provides continuous service when moving from buildings of open air. In particular, the Smart Park function helps to find the place where the car is parked.

Stellar LBS provides to users simple navigation in use on buildings, the airports, hospitals and university campuses. The technology allows to strengthen the system of marketing informing and helps to deliver advantageous offers about products and discounts taking into account exact location of the client. Also Stellar LBS collects information on the user and behavioral models — their analysis will allow business to prepare individual offers and to attract new clients, told in Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

Stellar LBS Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) radio transmitters use accumulators of a military class and guarantee work of the solution for 5-10 years that is twice more in comparison with validity period of the majority of analogs. Long operation of radio beacons cuts down operating expenses and ensures correct functioning of location-based services during the long period, emphasized in the company.

The solution is equipped with the cloud mechanism of management. It simplifies implementation, work and support of internal location-based services that creates highly productive and simple BLE infrastructure in use.