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Баннер в шапке 2

Lommeta (1C: Enterprise 8.2)

Customers: Lommeta

Novosibirsk; Construction and industry of construction materials

Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2012/11  - 2013/05
Number of licenses: 23

In May, 2013 in Lommeta company also accounting by implementation of 1C: Enterprise 8.2 was optimized production. Implementation was implemented by Infosoft.

Before implementation account was kept is separated in several bases "1C: Enterprise 7.7" that resulted in many difficulties:

  • As at the enterprise there are operations on accounting of raw materials supplied by the customer between own organizations, there were problems of double entry of documents in several information bases
  • There was no opportunity to analyze work in progress costs on all required analytical cuts of production
  • Managerial reports gathered and was calculated manually in third-party programs
  • It was impossible to calculate cost value and to carry out closing of accounting month with forces of accounting without involvement of the programmer

At automation the following tasks were set:

  • increase in efficiency of control over the movement of company assets;
  • creation of a common information space;
  • exception of manual accounting and multiple input of duplicative information;
  • confidentiality of information.

After studying of different software products the management stopped the choice on "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8". The solution allows to organize the end-to-end information system conforming to corporate, Russian standards and providing financial and economic activity of the enterprise. At the enterprise there are the specifics that affected the implementation purposes:

  • The cost accounting is kept by orders and codes of objects
  • In the scheme of accounting of raw materials supplied by the customer between own organizations, because of the large volume of materials, it is too labor-consuming to reflect return of unused materials therefore it was necessary to implement a possibility of transfer of the specified materials between orders for processing.
  • Owing to remoteness on location of many projects of the company, often there are situations when costs come on the projects which are already implemented in the last periods therefore it was necessary to design and implement the scheme of reflection of such costs for the further analysis of actual costs on projects by economical department.
  • In the organization there are a lot of transactions of calculations for the credits to loans therefore it was necessary to automate calculation and charge of percent on the credits and loans

The implemented system is in commercial operation. During implementation of the software product subsystems were implemented:

  • Accounting
  • Tax accounting
  • Cash management
  • Purchase management
  • Inventory management
  • Cost management
  • Production management

During implementation of the software product, specialists of Intensive Center "Infosoft", performed the following works:

  • The technical specifications in which reflection of business processes of the company in the installed accounting system is described are developed and also required completions of a system are designed and formalized;
  • The program is revised according to technical specifications;
  • Initial tuning of the program is performed;
  • Roles and user rights are configured, access restrictions by records are configured;
  • Together with the customer initial filling of reference books and input of a remaining balance for the beginning of the accounting period is executed;
  • Training and consultation of users is provided;
  • The user instructions by business processes are developed;
  • In 1 quarter 2013, together with the customer's employees, product cost on all types of accounting is calculated (managerial, accounting, tax), the regulated accounting and tax statements are prepared and handed over.

During trial operation all economic transactions were entered into the program and all necessary reporting is created.

The implemented system allowed to upgrade an accounting system, to reduce terms of preparation of the reporting, to keep account in uniform information base, to quickly obtain up-to-date, reliable information for acceptance of management decisions and preparation of the reporting.

Specialists of data center "Infosoft" perform maintenance, consultation, updating (updating) and further development of the implemented system within the information and technology maintenance (ITM), further at the enterprise is going to implement other blocks by own efforts.

The works performed by employees Infosoft:

  • Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
  • Sale of the selected software products
  • Software installation on the customer's computers
  • Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system
  • Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule
  • Creation of interfaces and sets of user rights
  • Technical implementation of specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (adaptation)
  • Initial settings of standard/industry solution (program) to start accounting
  • Input of opening balances / the help when entering opening balances
  • Individual training at office of the customer

Work on the Adaptation of the Standard Solution

For simplification and an exception of double entry of documents on transactions of accounting of raw materials supplied by the customer between own the organizations, were implemented: new options of input of documents on the basis of each other, external processings of transfer of materials in processing between orders, a new type of the internal order "on transfer of materials to processing", external reports for the analysis of the fulfilled internal orders and another.

For the purposes of accounting and tax accounting completions for automatic calculation and formation of postings for charge of percent on the credits and loans are implemented.

Total number of the automated jobs: 23.