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OpenSC (a blockchain for check of products)

The name of the base system (platform): Projects based on blockchain technology
Developers: World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Date of the premiere of the system: January, 2019
Branches: Food industry

2019: Start of the blkocheyn-platform

In January, 2019 the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) announced start of a blockchain platform which will help the enterprises of the food industry to eliminate products illegal, harmful to the environment or unethical by origin from supply chains.

The platform which received the name OpenSC provides transparency of a chain between clients and sellers, allows buyers to estimate origin of a product and all its way from a source to supermarket. The WWF attracted BCG Digital Ventures company to project implementation — investment division of Boston Consulting Group. To estimate their works, to be necessary for users the application for the OpenSC smartphone which scans the QR code on packaging for display of the full map of a supply chain of a product.

Began to apply QR codes for check of goods origin in a blockchain on food

New the blockchain system provides to the companies the protected register allowing to manage deliveries. It is important to note that the platform it is possible to use every time when they pass from hand to hand for automation of tracking of raw materials or products, thereby reducing costs for other valuation methods of deliveries and reducing the probability of human errors or fraud.

Automatic tracking is performed using the scanned codes on containers with raw materials, radio frequency identification or using the RFID tags attached to such products as fish or beef. This system can be also modified for documentation of other important information a product necessary for the subsequent audit or assessment of security of foodstuff. For example, data on temperature, humidity and other factors capable to affect storage life of a product can be stored in a blockchain platform.

The OpenSC platform will be available to all enterprises which wish to show security of the products. The products marked for a system began to be delivered in January, 2019.[1]
