Educator, charitable foundation
Public and non-profit structures
Since 2015
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
105318, Izmaylovskoye Highway 2
Since 2015
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
105318, Izmaylovskoye Highway 2
Main objective of Fund is implementation of charity in the field of education and dukhovny personal development. The priority is directed to exhibition activity. Object of activity of Fund is implementation of the types of activity directed to achievement of goals for the sake of which the Fund is created:
- support of orthodox projects, sposobstvuyushchy to a statement in the Russian society of ideals of humanity, disinterested mutual assistance, the atmosphere of respect for values of domestic and orthodox culture;
- support and program implementation and projects in the fields of education, educations, sciences, cultures, arts, improvements of a moral and psychological status of citizens and also assistance to spiritual personal development;
- assistance to preserving of historical heritage and to creation in the society of the atmosphere of respect for traditional spiritual and moral values, etc.
- assistance in recovery, restoration, upclassing and protection of the objects and territories having the historical and cultural importance – temples, monasteries, the holy sites;
- the organization, support, participation in the projects directed to increase in moral and cultural level of society, promotion of moral ethical standards for the benefit of society;
- participation in the organization and carrying out: holidays, tenders, fairs, concerts, festivals, the presentations and other actions for the purpose of promoting of spiritual and moral values and fund raising on the charitable purposes;
- assistance of Russian Orthodox Church in organization of events on distribution in the society of orthodox belief;
- cooperation with the religious organizations, help to strengthening of traditional values of spirituality and family;
- assistance to the organization of the pilgrim centers and pilgrimage tours;
- assistance to work on construction of monuments, construction of facilities of religious, spiritual, social and cultural appointment;
- participation in the organization and carrying out sociological and other researches according to the authorized purpose of Fund;
- interaction in accordance with the established procedure with public authorities of the Russian Federation and the international organizations concerning activity in the field of religion and culture, assistance to development of direct spiritual, scientific, cultural ties;
- cooperation with the Russian and foreign organizations rendering pomoshchv the solution of social problems of society;
- development and implementation, aimed at the development of the voluntary movement, search and support of persons interested to assist (volunteers) in implementation of cultural and social programs;
- creation and support of the electronic information resources in the Internet lighting activity of Fund;
- implementation of publishing in the order set by the legislation.