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Enstrim Instream




Number of employees
2015 year

The main activity of Enstrim LLC is development and further technical support of solutions for * nix of systems. The company is, the developer and the owner domestic operating system Lotus, solutions for joint work.

The main users of the solutions "Enstrim" are public authorities, budgetary institutions, defense industry enterprises.


2019: The distribution agreement with Merlion

The Merlion company and Enstrim company, the developer of the domestic Lotus operating system and the program components entering the operating system announced on November 14, 2019 signing of the distribution agreement. Read more here.


Since 2018 Enstrim is a member of ARPP "Domestic Software" and Committee on integration of application programs. Enters into Expert advice of producers of the Russian information and communication technologies of the Time commission of the Federation Council on development of information society and Competence center on import substitution in the field of information and communication technologies.

Since 2017 the Enstrim company is included into the Register of developers of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.