Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Developers: RSM-systems
Technology: EAM

The RealMaint platform has as a part of the 3rd module:

  • RM.TORO is the module of Management of Maintenance and Repairs of the Equipment (TORO) allows to provide stable and safe to operation of a production equipment by planning and accomplishment of actions of TORO for service life, an operating time, technical condition and ensuring resource requirements of processes of TORO in the conditions of resource and financial restrictions.
  • RM.APM is the module of management of reliability estimating technical condition and values of losses according to the western and domestic methodologies, will allow to avoid the majority of failures and losses.
  • RM.PM is the module of predictive analytics allowing to predict failures, repairs, parameter values and many other things using methods of machine learning and neural networks.
  • RM.EE (energy efficiency) – the module of energy efficiency allows the enterprise to reduce in compliance with FZ-261 costs for the electric power by correct accounting and monitoring, competent planning and control of execution of actions.

The basic functionality of a product contains:

  • 1. The program of energy efficiency - the card of optimization offers, costs planning and effects of their implementation, execution monitoring, calculation of the actual effects, the plan - component analysis, the forecast of effects
  • 2. Internal and external audits - the schedule of audits, identification of violations of the law and standards of energy efficiency (Federal Law 261, ISO 50001 and so forth), the recommended corrective actions
  • 3. Monitoring of energy consumption - accounting of data on energy consumption (automatically on expense counters), on indirect indicators (distribution of the generalized data on consumption on several objects on the set logic), manually); calculation of specific indicators of power consumption depending on production process, the modes and operating conditions of energy consuming equipment; creation of the Power Basic Line
  • 4. Power profiles of objects - the register of objects and the equipment; power passport of an object
  • 5. The power analysis – calculation and the analysis of power indicators, energy consumption forecasting; register of power significant objects; determination of potentials of improvements; purpose and problems of a management system for energy efficiency
  • 6. Component analysis - the detailed analysis on energy consuming equipment, calculation of normative (planned) consumption according to technology process, the analysis "fact fact", "fact plan"; summary component analysis on technology process with identification of the root reasons of decrease in energy efficiency
  • 7. Benchmarking - contrastive analysis of a specific consumption of energy resources on technology processes on yours and the similar enterprises
  • 8. Base of the best technologies – the worked solutions in the field of energy efficiency with cost description, effects, payback
  • 9. Base of the ideas – offers from the staff of the enterprise in the field of energy efficiency
  • 10. Base of statutory and regulatory requirements – the qualifier of NMD (Orders, resolutions of the Russian Federation; External state standard specifications and standards; Register of requirements for divisions)
  • 11. Rates for TER are the current rates for energy resources by types and category of energy, regions, the forecast of rates
  • 12. Personnel resources on energy efficiency – an organization structure, the summary, training programs and so forth.

Also there is mobile version of RM.FS which customers can purchase in addition to the main solution. RM.FS includes the following functionality:

  • Management of exit works
  • Tasks / works for day/week/month for the crew / employee
  • Data, necessary for execution of works, are schemes, maps, photos, drawings and so forth.
  • Accounting of course of execution of works, control of loading of crews / employees
  • Data on results of works are photos after accomplishment, quality control

  • Control of movement of mobile crews and employees
  • Regular and "event" position fix of the crew / employee during the working day
  • Control of a trajectory of movement and the events which are taking place in control points (login, the beginning of execution or execution of works, data entry on objects and so forth)

  • Collection of data on objects, clients, situations
  • Object definition on which data (results of surveys and bypasses, inspections, analyses of events, certification and so forth) according to the register of objects, on GPS coordinates (object search in the set radius from a point of location of crew are kept), on barcodes
  • Data on objects, necessary for collection of information, are parameters, schemes, cards, photos, drawings and so forth.
  • Maintaining and control (monitoring) of data according to the set attributes

  • Mobile warehouse
  • Data entry about the need for spare parts and component parts
  • Data on warehouse stocks and possible delivery dates of necessary MTR
  • Reservation of necessary MTR on the object / work / client
  • Control of the course of shipment of delivery of MTR on the object / client