Ikaplast, Moscow
Construction and industry of construction materials
Since 1989
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
2nd Sinichkina St., 9a, building 3, BC Sinitsa Plaza
Since 1989
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
2nd Sinichkina St., 9a, building 3, BC Sinitsa Plaza
IKAPLAST - the producer of polymeric pipeline systems of North-West Region of Russia. The plant makes pressure head PE of a pipe and a fitting with a diameter of 20-1200 mm, pipes from PE 100 RC for water supply systems, gas PE of a pipe with a diameter of 20-630 mm, pipe from PE-RT for field cable installation, polypropylene corrugated pipes with a diameter of 110-1000 mm and also combined polymeric wells.
The plant has representations across all Russian Federation.