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Ford Self-Braking Trolley (The product cart with the system of automatic braking)

The name of the base system (platform): Ford Pre-Collision Assist
Developers: Ford Motor Company
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/04/24
Branches: Trade

2019: The announcement of the product cart with the system of automatic braking

On April 24, 2019 the Ford company reported that it developed the special product cart with the system of automatic braking which will ensure safety of children during shopping. The Pre-Collision Assist system by means of the sensor scans space ahead and will recognize people and objects with which collision is possible.

The product cart with the system of automatic braking

According to the company, engineers were inspired by the development helping drivers to avoid accidents on the road – Pre-Collision Assist. The technology of the help of Pre-Collision Assist to the driver, available on many Ford models, works with the help of the camera on a windshield and the radar on a car bumper. The technology will recognize vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists on the road. A system makes automatic braking if the driver does not react to the warning notification signals.

The cart with automatic brakes allows to achieve the same result using the sensor: it scans space ahead, identifying people and objects, and, in case of potential danger, automatically applies brakes.

Parents are often horrified by perspective of a visit of supermarket with children as adults want to make quickly affairs, and kids want to play. Children like to copy adults and to experiment with new actions which they take under the control. When they push the cart, it seems to them that they are driving the car, and long and broad passes in supermarkets become the race circuit.

Cari's Tanita, the expert in education of children, the author of the book "Of what thinks my child? Practical children's psychology for modern parents" (What's My Child Thinking? Practical Child Psychology for Modern Parents)

For April, 2019 the cart with the system of automatic braking is the prototype developed within the Ford Interventions project. A project objective – to show how automobile technologies can help with the solution of daily problems which each of us faces.

The Pre-Collision Assist technology helps owners of the Ford cars to avoid accidents or to mitigate collision effects. We consider that, showing system operation on such simple thing as the product cart, we can emphasize how useful the technology can be for each driver.