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BMW Open Mobility Cloud

The name of the base system (platform): Microsoft Azure
Developers: BMW, Microsoft
Date of the premiere of the system: May, 2019
Branches: Transport

2019: Announcement

On May 11, 2019 BMWs and Microsoft announced creation of the open platform which uses artificial intelligence and machine learning for implementation of voice actuation in the car.

It is about the BMW Open Mobility Cloud system which should make conversations with automobile voice assistants more natural and personalized.

Microsoft and BMWs created the open platform for voice actuation in the car

Developers give the following dialog as an example: during the trip the car reminds of need of carrying out planned maintenance inspection in the nearest future. After that the computer suggests to select date, time and the dealer center. In other words, for record the driver. TO on should call anywhere even

It will be in this way possible to manage reminders in the calendar — it will be synchronized with the smartphone and to deal with the entering e-mails. The car will remind the owner of a birthday of the friend and will ask whether he wants to reserve a table at often visited restaurant.

In BMW and Microsoft say that the companies want to destroy an edge between the voice assistant and the car owner, to make a conversation easier. The driver will not need to build the correct offer in order that the computer understood a command. He will be able to recognize even the offer built on jargons.

The Microsoft Virtual Assistant Solution Accelerator accelerator using cloud infrastructure of Azure and AI function like Bot Framework and Cognitive Services is the technology basis for BMW Open Mobility Cloud.

For BMW and Microsoft it is not the first joint work. The German car maker uses Azure technology in the "clever" voice assistant to Intelligent Personal Assistant which is established in the machines BMW since March, 2019.[1]
