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Litres Chernoviki

Developers: LitRes
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/05/14
Branches: Internet services

2019: Project startup Draft copies

On May 14, 2019 it became known that service electronic and audiobooks "Litres" started the project under the name "Draft copies" which allows to read books in process of their writing. Authors publish books according to chapters (parts), and readers – monitor a plot in real time in mobile application "Litres: Read!" or on the website

Litres: Read!

Such reading reminds watching series, only in a case with books the user will be able to influence a plot. Shortly Litres implements an opportunity to address the author and to offer the ideas of development of the narration for the reader. In a year the share of Draft copies in total sales of Litres can already make 5%.

The show business goes the way interactivities – video games and such movies as the last "A black mirror" which allow the viewer to influence the plot course enjoy popularity. And now interactive are also books. Such format is popular, for example, in China where only one leader of this segment – the China Reading company integrating 6 million authors and 200 million readers on the platform earns about 800 million dollars a year from "books with continuations" while all Russian market, according to expert data, makes a little more than 1 billion dollars. Instant access to new products was always key advantage of Litres, however using this project the reader will have an opportunity to get acquainted with a plot and even to influence him at a stage of its creation.
Sergey Anuryev, CEO of Litres group

Involvement in creative process motivates users of service more to read, and authors receive a feedback, important for them, and create loyal community of readers.

Authors can select: publish texts free of charge or for a fee, and quote the price and manage discounts. The publication of books using service, unlike work with publishing house, can bring much quicker to the author both income from sales, and recognition of audience. The project success for independent authors "Litres demonstrates to it: A samizdat" thanks to which a number of writers found popularity and began to earn by the creativity.

For May, 2019 on according to heads the popular Russian writer Oleg Roy already publishes the last novel. There will be Draft copies of the fantast Vadim Panov soon. Service actively attracts the authors writing in the most different genres and will expand the project directory on a permanent basis. In this format the fantasy, romanticism (including books 18+, a sensuality) and detectives enjoy the greatest popularity.