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2019/05/27 10:59:04

Ruslan Usmanov, Treasury: Import substitution became a good reason for unification of technologies and architecture

Questions of TAdviser on a perspective of upgrade of GIIS "Electronic Budget" (GIIS EB), the import substitution program were answered by Ruslan Usmanov, the deputy head of department with information infrastructure of Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation.

Unification of technologies will allow to lower operating costs of the systems of Treasury

What problems are solved by Management information infrastructure Treasuries in general?

Ruslan Usmanov: Directions a little. The first – the big block of operation of information systems, the second – the budgeting and the other moments connected with purchase of works, services, the software and the equipment. The third block is engaged in architecture of infrastructure: design of DPC, network communications, an infrastructure part of information systems, partially – security systems. And the fourth block of tasks of Management – the system architecture, solves the problems connected with the layer ignored earlier (between "iron" and application engineers).

What problems are solved in the direction of system architecture?

Ruslan Usmanov: Business analysts and functional customers set tasks, and we are engaged in method of implementation of the tasks by means of these or those technologies and tools. We select and define specific DBMS, the application server, an integration bus, exchange protocols and methods of integration. I supervise two departments: system analytics and system architecture. The systems analyst – the one who costs at the solution of a task between functional or the business analyst and the developer, defines formats and methods of interaction, adjusts and optimizes design approaches. The system architect answers questions on what all this should be developed, – language, technologies, tools, methods of scaling, monitoring, management, determination of points of failure and many other things.

What became a main goal in this direction?

Ruslan Usmanov: We consistently are engaged in that processes of creation of the new systems and development of existing were controlled from the point of view of used technologies and approaches. In this context we are actively built in development process. We change internal regulating documents in order that they allowed us to include in the contract, project and work documentation of provision which oblige the contractor to describe the used technologies, tools, approaches and many other things that will define system architecture. We control these moments. Earlier it did not practice, all questions of system architecture were given at the discretion of the developer.

What systems of Treasury do you supervise?

Ruslan Usmanov: There is a lot of supervised systems, but first of all it is the state information systems. We influence their technology development by expansion of contracts for functional development of systems, entering into them the corresponding adjustments. And in this context the import substitution concerning practically all systems became for us very good reason for unification of technologies and change of architecture. The systems of Treasury are implemented generally on a stack of one vendor, however were created at different times and different functional customers. All of them used different approaches and different versions of software therefore the zoo of approaches and technologies was formed.

Within GIIS EB since January, 2019 two new subsystems – expenditure managements of treasurer maintenance regarding treasurer maintenance (PUR of KS) and cash management (PUDS) function. What history of these two system modules? What problems were solved at the first stage?

Ruslan Usmanov: When we planned creation of these subsystems, Resolution No. 1236 came already into full force Governments of the Russian Federation. And we were obliged to provide a number of the relevant activities for import substitution in the contract. As a result the contractor – the company OTR – carried out work on embedding of the modules implemented on free technologies and using own solutions to a landscape based on the current architecture so that a system in general continued to work regularly. Work is conducted step by step: at first subsystems were unrolled on DBMS Postgres, the next stages provide transition to an importozameshchenny stack of other components of subsystems. Within import substitution creation of these two subsystems became, in fact, some experiment and in a sense a small adventure.

At what stage this project is now?

Ruslan Usmanov: The project is at a stage of trial operation. Both subsystems function in the pilot mode with a limited number of users. Now we observe, we test, we load a system. As soon as it is clear that everything well and reliably works, we will begin to connect a target flow of users. Loading at the same time will grow quickly enough.

About what achieved results it is possible to tell according to the results of implementation of the first stage of the project of creation of two new subsystems?

Ruslan Usmanov: The main outcome – at us both subsystems, PUDS and PUR KS, on Postgres DBMS in the pilot mode turned out to start. I will emphasize, the pilot mode is tied on specific users who completely transferred the work from an old system to new. No duplication, i.e. simultaneous operation and in the new, and old systems happens. Both subsystems are the full-function modules which are temporarily working only with restriction on the number of users.

Except creation and development of these two subsystems, there is a big contract on development of GIIS EB in general. What will become within this contract?

Ruslan Usmanov: Within the big contract on upgrade of GIIS EB we should transfer all existing subsystems to an importozameshchenny stack, except for the DBMS components, functionality of data management and the pro-vodka engine – they will be substituted later within the separate contract.

What components of the current architecture will be substituted?

Ruslan Usmanov: Application servers, the Web server, an integration bus, the operating system and some other will be substituted. So practically everything, except three components about which I spoke earlier.

You told about "zoo" of approaches and technologies, despite a stack of products from one vendor. What becomes for the purpose of standardization of the solutions and technologies used for the systems of FC today?

Ruslan Usmanov: In a work progress over projects of import substitution of GIIS EB we not only manage building of architecture of solutions, but also developed the unified stack of technologies and solutions offered to use at design, creation and development of any subsystems of Treasury. Free technologies and solutions of one class or application, in principle, solve approximately identical problems. For example, in one subsystem Jetty, in another – Apache Tomcat, but it by and large the same can be the application server for execution of Java code. It belongs also to operating systems, integration buses, portal solutions – on each of classes of products rather wide choice of the free software. We, in return, try to reduce variability of the choice and to unify the used components.

What does unification of technologies in the long term give?

Ruslan Usmanov: Unification of technologies will allow to lower operating costs of systems, will give the chance to purposefully improve skills and employee competences of Federal State Institution of TsOKR (The center for ensuring activity of Federal Treasury) without being sprayed on differences in similar components of the different systems. Further the created unified approaches will allow to control with higher quality development of information systems regarding architecture and technologies.