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Profotec implemented the project on replacement of a system of measurement of current at Kazakhstan Aluminium Smelter

Customers: Kazakhstan Aluminium Smelter

Pavlodar; Metallurgical industry

Contractors: Profotec
Product: Complex projects of creation of the engineering systems

Project date: 2018/11  - 2019/04

On May 28, 2019 in Department of investment and industrial policy of the city of Moscow reported that the Profotec company implemented the project on complete replacement of a system of measurement of current at Kazakhstan Aluminium Smelter. The order is executed "turnkey" in five months. For this term the company released a metering equipment, delivered it to the customer, made installation and a commissioning of a system.

Profotec implemented the project on replacement of a system of measurement of current at Kazakhstan Aluminium Smelter

Electron-optical current transformers – 14 sets became a basis of a system of measurement of current. They are capable to measure a direct current without distortions and with a high accuracy. The quality of operation of devices is affected by neither a temperature difference, nor influence of magnetic field.

"The Profotec company is a resident of the special economic zone "Technopolice "Moscow". The special status allows the enterprise to reduce the volume of obligatory tax and social payments by 47%. Thus, the organization can invest means in production development, a human capital, development and deployment of the innovative solutions. On the capital platform the enterprise created unique technology of optical measuring current transformers and tension and arranged their serial production".

Alexander Prokhorov, Head of Department of investment and industrial policy of Moscow

The optical transformers installed at Kazakhstan Aluminium Smelter are registered in the register of measuring instruments of Russia and also the Republic of Kazakhstan, and can be used on hazardous production facilities, be used for creation of the systems of technical and commercial electricity metering, in the systems of protection and automatic equipment of electric substations and on objects of generation.