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Don-Stroy Invest (Vitro-CAD)

Customers: Don-Stroy Invest

Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials

Contractors: Vitro Software
Product: Vitro-CAD

Project date: 2016/10  - 2017/06

In the summer of 2017 Vitro-CAD implementation project for the Don-Stroy Invest company which is engaged in construction of residential objects in Moscow was implemented. During the work with partners (designers, the technical customer, examination, builders) employees Donstroy should ensure correct functioning of the basic two processes: acceptance of the technical documentation (TD) and its transfer to works on building.

Several legal entities participate in an acceptance procedure of TD: the project organizations, experts of Donstroy, the technical customer, the general contractor to whom technical documentation is transferred. Participants of this process should accept, approve, if necessary make changes and approve TD.

Before use of the Vitro-CAD system transfer of TD happened by e-mail. Each of participants saved it in file storage. It is obvious that at such big data streams errors, disputes and mutual recriminations of participants are inevitable.

Therefore desire on the server of Donstroy to create an environment of the general data to which all participants of process according to the registered regulations would have access was logical.

For the solution of this task the company management made the decision to use the Vitro-CAD system which provides:

  • The centralized data archive
  • Remote access to data according to access rights
  • Processes of data exchange with partners
  • Approval of project and technical documentation
  • Issue and control of execution of tasks and instructions
  • Storage and coordination of BIM models
  • Reporting on structure of documentation
  • Check of relevance of drawings on a construction object using the QR code

System implementation was executed by Akseleration company, the partner of Vitro Soft company. Functional requirements to a system were defined and the plan of step-by-step implementation which included also development of regulations of work in a system is developed.

In June, 2017 a system was started in experienced, and then and in commercial operation.

All participants of the construction project regardless of their geographical location and belonging to this or that legal entity have access on the Internet to the uniform centralized and accurately structured storage.

Designers of the external organizations began to transmit TD through the Vitro-CAD system. It is very important that for them the problem of transfer of TD did not become more difficult, just there was another.

And here for GIP-ov Donstroy which control flows of TD the acceptance procedure of TD significantly became simpler. If earlier they received TD through mail, then now they had an opportunity directly in a system as a first approximation to estimate the received TD and in the presence of an error to change the status of the folder or group of files on "is rejected". At putting down of such status in a system the letter to the designers who placed this TD about a deviation of this file set automatically forms.

If GIP-a in the received TD externally everything arranges, he sends TD for approval to experts of Donstroy company and the technical customer. For this GIP in a system starts process of approval of TD as a result of which tasks to all its participants automatically form. The participant of approval directly from a task can open the folder with TD, work with documents and make according to them the decision.

After approval translation procedure of files in not edited PDF format is started, the unique QR code which allows after transfer of TD on a construction object unambiguously treats to define relevance of this version of the drawing. Translation procedure is carried out to PDF and putting down of the QR code for each editorial office TD.

Then there is a printing process of TD which is executed beyond the scope of the Vitro-CAD system, but in a system date of transmission of TD in works on building is fixed. On building the foreman, having scanned the QR code, can authentically define relevance of any drawing.

Thus, based on Vitro-CAD a common information space within the project where participants exchange data is created, approve documents, correspond, trace and make decisions.

Advantages of use of Vitro-CAD are obvious:

  • complete transparency of the course of the project for the investor and the project manager,
  • considerable reduction of labor costs and time for distribution, approval and information search,
  • high-quality ensuring project interaction when each link (division or the company) participating in the project strictly conforms to the adopted rules of work therefore joint efforts achieve required result.