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Vostok-Service and 1C signed the agreement on expansion of scope of products 1C

Customers: Vostok-Service

Product: 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Project date: 2019/06

On June 6, 2019 the Vostok-Service Group and 1C Company signed the agreement on strategic cooperation. The agreement assumes considerable expansion of scope of products 1C in divisions and the enterprises of Vostok-Service Group.

For June, 2019 Vostok-Service Group actively implements projects of transition to modern products of the 1C: Enterprise system. At a number of the enterprises of group are implemented or solutions 1C of the last generation entering a software package "1C are already implemented : Corporation": "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0", "1C: Document Flow", "1C: Holding Management", "1C: Payroll and HR Management", using "1C:TMS Logistics. Management of transportations" is organized effective management of supply of raw materials to production divisions and also delivery of finished goods to clients and in Vostok-Service brand stores.

The signed agreement fixes already reached level of close interaction of partners and offers prospects for further improvement of information environment of Vostok-Service Group. Within cooperation it is going to optimize IT infrastructure and to replicate solutions of 1C on structural divisions of group: shoe and garment factories, Russian branches and foreign representations and also distribution centers.

The important direction of partnership – development of functionality of the IT solutions which are used in group taking into account industry features of production and sale of means of labor protection and individual protection.

According to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 4/28/2018 No. 792-P since July 1, 2019 digital marking will become obligatory for the shoe industry. One of key problems of cooperation – process automation of transfer of data on the marked products in the unified information system of goods marking in the Russian Federation. Within the signed agreement in Vostok-Service Group the functionality of goods marking will be implemented, including – markings of footwear by the means of identification (MI) with the subsequent execution and transfer of necessary documentation in the state information system of marking. The corresponding functionality is going to be included in drawing solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system further.

Cooperation within the signed agreement will allow us to accelerate creation of a common information space of Vostok-Service Group. "1C: Enterprise" will replace all outdated systems, including foreign vendors. It will allow us to organize more operational interaction between specialists of divisions and territorially remote companies and also will make management of group more effective,
notes Sergey Shiryaev, the CEO of JSC East-Service-Spetskomplekt