Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

ComputerFix24 manages accounting with the help "1C:Enterprise 8. Management of the service center"

Customers: ComputerFix24 GmbH

Frankfurt am Main; Information technologies

Contractors: 1C-Rarus
Product: 1C: Management of the service center
На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Project date: 2019/01  - 2019/06

On July 2, 2019 1C-Rarus reported that ComputerFix24 manages accounting with the help "1C:Enterprise 8. Management of the service center".

ComputerFix24 company is engaged in repair of computers. To bring order to accounting and to make activity of the company more effective, the management selected the solution "1C:Enterprise 8. The management of the service center", and asked for the help with its implementation specialists 1C-Rarus.

The Following Tasks Were Performed:

  • Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
  • Sale of the selected software products
  • Delivery of software products in office of the customer
  • Software installation on the customer's computers
  • Initial settings of standard/industry solution (program) to start accounting
  • Individual training at office of the customer

The Following Functions Were Automated:

  • Purchases (supply) and vendor relationship management
    • Settlement with suppliers
    • Vendor relationship management

  • Sales management, logistics and transport (SFM WMS TMS)

    • Sales (sale), service, marketing
    • Warehouse and logistics

In a system the customer agreement about types of repair, conditions and the diagram of service, terms and payment methods is signed. Orders between masters are distributed, completion dates are defined, time of departure of the master is defined. If necessary the request for delivery of the equipment from the client and back forms.

At the disposal of the head analytical reports for assessment of rendering services, the statuses of repair, executability of orders, the debts of suppliers and clients.