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Competence center of digital transformation of health sector of the Ministry of Health


The competence center of digital transformation of health sector is created in 2019 within implementation of the federal draft "Creation of a Uniform Digital Circuit in Health Care on the basis of a Single State Information System in the field of Health Care (Uniform State Health Information System)" of the Health care national project and functions based on the Central Research and Development Institute of the Organization of Informatization of Health Care (CRDIOIHC) of the Russian Ministry of Health.

Main objectives of competence center:

  • ensuring methodical support of implementation of the federal project;

  • ensuring coordination of implementation of the federal project in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation and the departmental medical organizations;

  • the organization of work of professional community for the purpose of development of requirements to development of information systems, to implementation of the innovative technologies and services in health sector.


2019: Dmitry Zelenkov is appointed the head of the center

In July, 2019 Dmitry Zelenkov was appointed the head of recently created Competence center of digital transformation of health sector of the Ministry of Health. Read more here.