Developers: | TaxNet |
Technology: | Cybersecurity - Means of enciphering, Office applications |
Content |
Kripteks is the program for protection of files of any format.
Compatibility with JaCarta-2 GOST
On August 9, 2019 the Aladdin R.D. company, the Russian developer and solution provider for information security support reported that together with Taksnet, the developer of electronic document management systems and services for submission of reports, tests on compatibility of the products completed. Read more here.
Program capabilities of Kripteks
For August, 2019 the program provides following features:
- Protection of documents in legally significant electronic document management
- Protection of files at transfer and storage
- Signing of electronic documents for My Arbitrator service
- Signing of electronic documents on the portal of Rosreestr
- Work on the portal of public services of Moscow
- Signing of bank guarantees
Kripteks is able:
- Perform operations of the signature and enciphering at the same time to squeeze files
- Generate keys
- Create requests for the certificate
- Perform operations with groups of files
- Create user profiles
- Start transactions from a context menu
- Work with any cryptoproviders