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Mosaic synthesis (1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0)

2020: Project completion of complex automation

On May 7, 2020 the Portal-Yug company announced project completion of complex automation based on "1C: ERP Enterprise Management" in MOZAIKA-SINTEZ publishing house.

As of May, 2020 in assortment of MOZAIKA-SINTEZ publishing house – more than 75,000 product names. The daily number of the entering orders varies from 200 to 600. At such volume of work operational interaction between sales department which processes orders, a warehouse where goods, and department of logistics which will organize delivery of orders to clients are reserved and gather is very important. In retail stores it is necessary to control accurately a remaining balance of products and to timely fill up the range.

Earlier in divisions of the company for different activities the different, not integrated among themselves, information systems were used. The normative reference information was not unified. It was difficult to process quickly customer orders, to create supplier orders, to control stock remainders, to analyze dynamics of purchases and sales.

The information system which would allow to integrate and synchronize work of all divisions became necessary for the enterprise, to unify and centralize management of the normative reference information. The company management set the purpose – to increase sales volume without staff increase. For this purpose it was required to organize address work with each client, including clients of online store, to increase quality and processing speed of orders, to strengthen control of passing of orders on a technology chain, to expand sales channels (to leave in marketplaces, to establish cooperation with other online stores, etc.).

For the solution of assigned tasks the 1C: ERP Enterprise Management system was selected. The Portal-Yug company which was selected based on internal tender became the partner in implementation. The project was executed in one year, a system is unrolled in 100 workplaces in all departments of the enterprise.

In a single system of company management based on 1C:ERP all information systems of the company are integrated, including: "1C: Document Flow 8", "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management", electronic document management systems with external partners, accounting systems visitors in retail stores. Users should not duplicate and verify data in several programs more, discrepancies of data are completely excluded:

  • Work with customer orders is optimized. From clients orders in any format and on any communication channels approved with the client can arrive. The manager's task – within two hours to provide the order with goods and to transfer to shipment. In addition to the existing clients with whom at the company interaction is already debugged new clients with the formats of data appear, these data should be adapted quickly for loading of orders in 1C:ERP. In the conditions of universal recession of sales the company is forced to react to such calls and to adapt practically to each client. During the project the workplace of universal loading of orders in a system which allows to load customer orders in any format was created, to manage dates of shipment of these orders and group providing orders (to allocate by orders reserves and a free remaining balance). As a result order processing accelerated for 30%. Managers had an opportunity to process up to 500 orders a day with perspective of expansion of number of orders to 30% in peak loads. Earlier for the aid to managers it was necessary to attract additional personnel to ensuring peak loads, according to the results of the project such need disappeared.
  • Control of passing of customer orders on a technology chain is strengthened. B1C: ERP is implemented the special system of order statuses which is integrated and densely interacts with a warehouse 1C system: WMS. At each change of an order status (assembly, transfer to delivery, installation of delivery date and so forth) information is quickly transferred to 1C:ERP. The manager can check the status of each specific order at any time and give the client the comprehensive information about his accomplishment: at what stage the order is at present time when shipment and delivery is planned.
  • It is provided the detailed data for the analysis of sales on each separate book. Earlier for implementation to network shops of group of books of one subject collective product names (mixes) were used. It was very inconvenient for the analysis of sales as did not give an idea of sales of the separate books which are a part of a mix. Because of it it was impossible to estimate what books and where are on sale better, to predict demand, to plan production of the making mixes and assembly of mixes. During the project this approach was reviewed. The standard 1C:ERP tools allowed to organize the detailed analysis of sales with real data on separate, implemented as a part of mixes, to books. It gave the chance more accurately to plan work with retail chain stores and to predict demand for specific positions of books and mixes and also more precisely to plan production according to real business needs.
  • Purchasing department specialists spend less time for entering into the system of data on the purchased products for 20%. During the project the multifunction mechanism of loading and creation in the system of new positions of goods and price lists is developed for them. Loading is possible from files of different formats and different volumes, allows to create nomenclature positions with all necessary details and additional properties and also at once to enter the purchase and selling prices (product price lists) to 1C:ERP. Purchasing managers can focus on expansion of contacts with potential suppliers, improvement of purchasing conditions and qualities of purchase planning, but not on camerawork as it was earlier.
  • Operational data exchange about orders between 1C:ERP and online stores is implemented. It allows managers to work selectively with each client – to analyze activity, to estimate requirements and interests, to develop individual offers for increase in sales.
  • Interaction with marketplaces (marketplaces) is optimized. Each of marketplaces, as well as most of clients, implements the standards of exchanges with suppliers to which the company needs to adapt quickly. During the project marketplaces were included in exchange of orders between the websites and 1C:ERP on an equal basis with other clients. The special workplace which allowed to control in the automated mode payments by orders and expenses on the commission of a marketplace was developed, to execute offsets of counter obligations. Earlier only on reflection of operations in an old system on one marketplace 3 days a month left. In the created system this task is completely removed from accounting, everything does 1C:ERP. This solution is universal and allows to connect quickly to processes new marktepleysa, thereby increasing sales channels without connection of additional human resources.
  • Approval of requests for a funds expenditure is automated. All requests are consolidated in 1C:ERP in a special workplace "Approval of requests for a funds expenditure", in a uniform format. The management sees all documents in the mode of "one window". It accelerates approval and accomplishment of payments, considerably saves the CEO's time. In general, approval of requests for a funds expenditure accelerated for 20%.
  • In a system itemized statements on cash flow, income and expenses of the enterprise, profitability of sales, including, on activities, etc. are available. It helps the management to control better work of the enterprise and to timely make decisions for increase in business performance in difficult economic conditions.

"As a result of implementation of 1C:ERP we received the unified information system for all divisions. Achieved all technology purposes which were set at the beginning of the project: scalability of a system, acceleration and centralization of information flows. All external information systems of the company are integrated into a single system of company management. Users should not duplicate and verify data more, discrepancies of data are excluded. Successfully we hand over the regulated reporting. In the long term we are going to improve the management reporting, to automate production process in publishing house and also to expand a subsystem of CRM on all departments of the enterprise",

'Roman Lesovoy, the head of department of systems analysis and project management of MOZAIKA-SINTEZ LLC noted'

2019: Start of the project on implementing solution 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0

In April, 2019 in the Mosaic synthesis company the project on implementing solution 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 was implemented. The contractor selected Portal-Yug company.

Essential result of this implementation was the fact that the enterprise received the unified information system of management meeting all requirements of the legislation. Regarding the management reporting operational receiving data about cash flow, income and expenses of the enterprise, including by activities, assessment of profitability of sales became possible. 1C:ERP integrating auxiliary information systems in a single system of management of the company became a core of the IT-system of the enterprise. Also It should be noted the following positive aspects of implementation:

  • Use of project technology of implementation allowed to avoid essential deviations in the budget and terms of the project.
  • Active use of internal resources of the company significantly reduced the project budget and increased competences of specialists of the enterprise.
  • Aiming at the maximum use of standard functionality and also detailed documentation of all settings in the SPPR separate system, allowed to reduce the cost of ownership of the program and to simplify process of updates.

The Following Functions Were Automated:

  • Purchases (supply) and vendor relationship management
    • Settlement with suppliers
    • Order placement to suppliers
    • Accounting of arrival of Inventories

  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Personnel management and personnel records (HRM)

    • Personnel records
    • Payroll calculation
    • The regulated reporting

  • Sales management, logistics and transport (SFM WMS TMS)

  • Finance, management accounting, monitoring of indicators

    • Cash management (treasury)
    • Accounting is accounting, tax, budget, including the regulated reporting
    • Financial analysis