Customers: Russian Kuzbass Coal
Contractors: VIST Group Product: VG Karier Intellectual pit Automated control system for the Mining-transport complexProject date: 2019/05 - 2019/07
2019: System implementation Pit
On a section of Russian Coal in Khakassia the Pit system is implemented. On August 12, 2019 the developer company of VIST Group reported about it.
The first stage of implementation of an automated system of scheduling Pit allowed to optimize the processes affecting increase in productivity of the enterprise. As a result the efficiency of production on the Steppe coal mine of the Russian Coal company entering into the SAFMAR group of Mikhail Gutseriev increased by 5%.
Specialists of VIST Group company (enters into Tsifra Group) on the Steppe coal mine equipped with the onboard systems entering the ACS complex of STC Karyer BelAZ dump trucks with a loading capacity of 130 tons. Now up-to-date statistical information on volumes of transportations and idle times and also distances and loadings of dump trucks automatically began to be transferred to a 1C system installed at the enterprise.
Thanks to operational installation of a system and successful integration into production process we could start dispatching system in work already two months later from start of the project. We finished the available enterprise software, having automated information transfer processes. For August, 2019 we carry out upgrade of GSM network which will allow to start the add-on module of optimization for receiving an additional gain of performance, |
At the expense of process optimization and increase in loading of dump trucks already at the first stage of system implementation Pit performance of the Steppe coal mine increased more than by 5%.