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In Russia the uniform federal monitoring system and control of bus long-distance transportations will be created

Customers: Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

Moscow; State and social structures

Product: FSIS (individual development)

Project date: 2019/05  - 2019/06

2019: Pilot project of EFS MKPP

In 2020 in Russia the uniform federal monitoring system and control of bus long-distance transportations of passengers will be created. On August 22, 2019 Ministry of Transport on the website reported about it.

According to the Deputy Minister of Transport Alexey Semyonov, monitoring of transportations should increase their quality for passengers — it will be more convenient to them to make out and pay tickets. Also a system will help to optimize costs of carriers and to finish illegal transportations.

At the request of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, given in September, 2017, Ministry of Transport prepared the draft of the concept of the Uniform federal monitoring system and control of passenger traffic (EFS MKPP). During a pilot project a system was tested on regular and custom bus transportations between regions.

The pilot was carried out from May 15 to June 15, 2019 in the Central, Northwest, Volga and Southern federal districts. According to the results of an experiment a system processed 300 runs and more than 3 thousand travel documents. For identification of tickets the QR code was used. In April, 2019 Interfax wrote that the experiment will be made using technologies of the Platon state system which was used for tracking of foreign buses during the FIFA World Cup in Russia before.

Within a pilot project of EFS MKPP used for monitoring of a full stroke of passenger traffic and consolidation of data on transportation and carriers in a uniform digital trace. Also using EFS MKPP information from different monitoring systems and control, as well as from recording systems of passengers on not equipped points of landing and disembarkation was collected.

The experiment was made by the operator of Tekhnopass LLC which developed a prototype of EFS MKPP. "Технопасс" was engaged in the organization of joint work of all participants of the pilot. Carriers, the operator of the Platon state system of RT-Invest Transport Systems LLC (RTITS), the aggregator selling tickets Odnakassa LLC, Rostransnadzor and Federal State Unitary Enterprise ProtectionInfoTrans were among participants. [1]
