Customers: Odintsovo Regional Hospital Odintsovo (Moscow region); Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare Contractors: X-Com (X com) Product: Integrated IT Infrastructure ProjectsProject date: 2019/03 - 2019/08
2019: Hospital Information System Upgrade
On September 19, 2019, X-Com announced the completion of a project to modernize the information system of the Zvenigorod Central City Hospital. During the project, dozens of jobs of the administration and attending staff are equipped with modern computer equipment and printing equipment.
The workflows of the medical institution, in particular, the maintenance of an electronic medical history, prescription of prescription drugs, etc., are closely related to the use of information technologies. Due to the moral obsolescence of the existing fleet of equipment, the customer required the introduction of equipping the workplaces of specialists with workstations and printing equipment.
When implementing the project, X-Com used computer equipment of its own production. For working with paper documentation, the solution includes. printers Samsung Work was carried out on integration the equipment, its configuration and commissioning.
The selection of the contractor was carried out on the basis of an open tender.