Customers: RESO-Leasing Moscow; Financial services, investments and auditing Contractors: 1C-IzhTC Product: 1C: The automated updating reconfiguredProject date: 2019/04 - 2019/09
2019: Transition to the automated updating
On October 28, 2019 the 1C-IzhTC company reported that RESO-Leasing passed to the automated updating 1C using 1C service: The automated updating reconfigured.
Updating of a non-standard configuration based on "1C: Accounting 8" became 25% faster.
The company keeps account in own configuration based on "1C: Accounting 8". Due to the features of business programmers of RESO-Leasing regularly enter into the system of completion which affect terms and labor input of updating of a non-standard configuration. Before works on updating and testing were executed manually and took at the regular specialist from two to five days.
RESO-Leasing decided to transfer these a company performance 1C-IzhTC which offers service of the automated updating of non-standard configurations. As a result of cooperation terms of updating were on average reduced by 25%, and time of the regular programmer was released for other tasks.