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H-Com scaled an information system of the St. Petersburg institute of nuclear physics of B.P. Konstantinov

Customers: St. Petersburg institute of nuclear physics of B.P. Konstantinov (PIYaF) Kurchatov Institute National Research Centre

Gatchina (Leningrad Region); Science and education

Contractors: X-Com (X lump)
Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructure

Project date: 2019/04  - 2019/09

2019: Scaling of the IC

On October 31, 2019 the H-Com company reported that it scaled an information system of the St. Petersburg institute of nuclear physics of B.P. Konstantinov (PIYaF) which is a part of the National research center Kurchatov Institute (Research Center Kurchatov Institute). In a project deliverable tens of jobs of staff of scientific institution are equipped with the client equipment which is completely meeting their requirements.

Carrying out basic and application studies in the key directions of scientific activity of Institute (theoretical and mathematical physics, nuclear reactor physics and accelerators, molecular biology and biomedicine, nuclear medicine, etc.) demanded the organization of the automated jobs (AJ).

For the choice of the contractor of the project among system integrators and suppliers of software and hardware tools the tender was held. The company X-Com which offered the most financial and qualification and reasonable delivery conditions of the equipment, execution of works and the subsequent solution maintenance by a majority vote to a tender committee was recognized the winner and acquired the right of the conclusion of the public contract.

As a technology basis of an automated workplace computers productions were offered X-Com. This approach allowed to provide exact compliance of their configurations to requirements of the applied software, applied by specialists Institute in research activity and also to avoid overpayments for functionality, excessive for the customer. Jobs are equipped monitors with AOC of high resolution. For work with paper documentation the working groups of organization are equipped color and monochrome printers and MFP HP. Works on installation of the equipment, its setup and commissioning are performed.

The project is executed in strict accordance with terms of the contract on the volume and terms. Reliability of the created solution is guaranteed acting in the X-Com quality control system conforming to the international standard ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001-2008) and also multistage testing system of products at all stages of its production. All equipment is affected by a three-year guarantee. Within a service packet It X-Com готова to provide the qualified hardware maintenance of the customer and also his warranty and post warranty repair.