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2019/11/12 10:51:20


Greenland is part of the Kingdom of Denmark.


Greenland is the largest island on the planet

1966: Danish gynecologists secretly install contraceptive spirals for girls and women to reduce Greenland's population

A group of 143 Greenlandic women sued the Danish government in May 2024, alleging that between 1966 and 1970 doctors installed contraceptive spirals on them without their consent or knowledge. Now they demand to pay them collective compensation of almost €5 million for violating their rights.

Some were as young as 12 when, they said, Danish gynecologists installed intrauterine spirals on them in an attempt to reduce Greenland's population in those years.

It is estimated that 4,500 women and girls were affected then. The Danish government said it was "conducting an independent investigation."


Crew of an American B-36 bomber in Arctic crews

Greenland, 1951]]

1892: Thong briefs

It is known for certain that Captain C. Ryder, who arrived in 1892 with a research expedition to Greenland, had already seen thong cowards on local women. He brought several pieces to the civilized world, where bulky pantaloons were worn at that time.

Briefs brought by Ryder are on display in Copenhagen at The National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen for 2019. They are exhibited as part of a collection of ancient clothing made of leather and fur. With their almost naked appearance, the fair sex of Greenland greatly embarrassed the missionaries, who unsuccessfully tried to put at least linen pantalons on them.

But the Eskimos preferred naatsit. By the way, they did not consider them underwear - they decorated them with beads and embroidery.