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Treacle Andrey Evgenyevich
Treacle Andrey Evgenyevich


Andrei Patoka was born on November 10, 1969.

He graduated from the Military Red Banner Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Since 1992, he worked at Kombellga OJSC, went from sales manager to deputy commercial director.

In 2002, Andrei Evgenievich became the commercial director of Komincom.

Since September 2003, he headed the business development division of SSS Sovintel LLC in the regions.

Since March 2004 - Head of the Division for the Development of International and Regional Business of SSC Sovintel LLC (Golden Telecom trademark), Senior Vice President, Deputy General Director of Golden Telecom.

Since 2008 - Vice President for Corporate Business Development of VimpelCom Group of Companies.

In June 2013, he took the post of Executive Vice President for Business Development in the Corporate Market of OJSC "." VimpelCom Under his leadership, among other things, the first Russia mobile device management service in the cloud was launched.

2014: Executive Vice President of VimpelCom for Infrastructure Development

Since January 20, 2014, Andrei Patoka has been appointed Executive Vice President for Infrastructure Development of VimpelCom. The manager came to VimpelCom in 2008, and before that he worked as deputy general director in the Golden Telecom operator (in 2008 he was acquired by VimpelCom)[1].

In his new position, Andrei Patoka oversees issues related to the planning, development and operation of the network at all levels, promising technological development and information technologies. According to company representatives, this appointment was carried out as part of the implementation of the new strategy of the Russian VimpelCom - "Just. Conveniently. For you. "

"In the area of network development, which is a key element of this strategy, the company intends to implement the transition from the concept of Network Operation (" Network Management ") to the concept of Service Operation (" Service Management "). This transformation assumes that at all stages of the development of network and IT infrastructure - from planning to operation and reliability control - the main drivers and indicators will be client (end-to-end) indicators of the quality of services provided on the network and feedback from customers, "say VimpelCom.

During this period, Andrei Patoku in the company is characterized as an experienced and highly professional operational manager who has both expertise in the technical field and knowledge of cross-functional business processes within the company. Who instead of Patoka will become executive vice president for corporate business development is still unknown.

Earlier, the position of executive vice president for supporting the operations of VimpelCom was held by Norwegian citizen Kiersti Viklund. It was she who oversaw the issues that came under the jurisdiction of Andrei Patoki. Before VimpelCom, Viklund worked in the Norwegian operator Telenor and its various subsidiaries, the last of which was the Ukrainian Kyivstar (merged with VimpelCom in 2009).

Telenor is the second largest shareholder in the Vimpelcom group, which includes Vimpelcom. Viklund's position weakened back in 2013, when the company introduced the position of vice president for the technical block. Former technical director of Megafon Igor Parfenov was appointed to it. However, he was subordinate to Viklund. VimpelCom reported that Kiersti Viklund will work in the company until the end of the first quarter of 2014.

Since January 2015, Martin Skop has been appointed Executive Vice President for Infrastructure Development of VimpelCom OJSC. In this position, Martin Skop replaced Andrei Patoku, who headed the technical and IT block since January 2014. Andrey Patoka accepted the offer of Vimpelcom Ltd. to head the CIS business unit.

2016: Tele2 Deputy CEO for Product, Marketing

Andrei Patoka was appointed in the summer of 2016 as Tele2 Deputy General Director for Product, Marketing and Work with Federal Customers. The responsibility of Andrei Patoki includes the development of an updated Tele2 strategy in terms of the formation of the product portfolio and marketing positioning of the company in the market.

According to the management structure of Tele2, Andrei Patoka will head the product marketing and development unit, which includes the following divisions of the company:

  • Product Management;
  • Marketing Directorate;
  • Directorate of Digital Channel Development;
  • Client Experience Management Directorate;
  • Corporate Business Development Directorate;
  • LTE-450 Project Development Directorate;
  • Financial Services Department.

2021: Appointment as Head of Tele2

In early June 2021, it became known about the change of CEO of T2 Mobile (Tele2). The place of Sergey Emdin will be taken by the deputy head of Tele2 for product, marketing and work with corporate customers Andrei Patoka.

Andrey Patoka - the new head of Tele2

On the appointment of a new head of Tele2 on June 3, 2021, the president of Rostelecom (the company is the majority shareholder of the mobile operator) Mikhail Oseevsky told reporters. According to him, Patoka will officially head Tele2 at the end of June. Sergey Emdin led the company for about four years.

In May 2021, Interfax, citing its sources in the telecommunications industry, announced the imminent departure of Emdin from Tele2. According to the agency's interlocutors, he will head Demetra Holding LLC, in which VTB's grain assets are consolidated. Informants also said that Andrei Patoka will become the new CEO of Tele2. According to Interfax, the current (by June 3, 2021) general director of Demetra Vitaly Sergeychuk will remain on the company's board of directors and will oversee the business from VTB.[2]

On June 16, 2021, the alternative operator mobile communication Tele2 officially announced the appointment of Andrei Patoki as CEO of the company. According to the operator, as the head of the company, Andrei Patoka will focus on maintaining high growth dynamics financial and operational indicators, strengthening Tele2's reputation as an industry trendsetter and launching solutions for customers.
