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VTB has improved the quality of customer service in branches using voice analytics

Customers: VTB Bank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: Voca Tech: Automated Employee Monitoring System to Meet Service Standards

Project date: 2019/05  - 2024/02

2024: Improving Employee Performance

The Bank VTB and VTB Accelerator tested a solution Voca Tech that records and automatically analyzes the communications of branch managers bank with clients. The product helped to increase the efficiency of employees. The service is already being used in one of VTB's divisions and is preparing to further scale up at the bank. VTB announced this on March 11, 2024.

Voca Tech consists of three components: an audio page, an algorithm for decrypting speech into text, and a set of analytical tools. During testing, using a special audio page equipped with a directional microphone and a system for suppressing ambient noise, the voice of a bank representative was recorded at the time of communication with the client. At the end of the day, the resulting audio file was automatically sent to a secure server. After the "translation" of speech into text, Voca Tech's own algorithms analyzed the content of records, assessing various characteristics, including the frequency of use of individual words and phrases.

Based on the results of the analysis, the system issued an individual report on each employee: the document contained metrics reflecting sociability and courtesy, compliance with sales scripts, as well as the completeness of providing information about the bank's products. 165 employees from 28 branches of the VTB retail network in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Yaroslavl took part in the testing. The total volume of audio recordings for three months amounted to more than 68 thousand hours.

VTB has long used the voice analytics system in the contact center, checks all calls and chats to control the quality of consultations and improve customer experience. The bank also uses these results to refine financial products. Now we are introducing technology among office network managers to analyze their communications with visitors. Speech analytics tools will check the correctness of consultations, speech intonation in order to provide customers with an exceptional service. With such technologies, employees more understand and feel their capabilities when managing the dialogue, this expands their competence and reduces the overall level of stress when interacting with customers. As a result, the quality of service is growing, "said Vasily Palatkin, head of retail sales, senior vice president of VTB Bank.

As part of this project, we managed to achieve significant business effects, as well as provide managers with the opportunity and tool to provide feedback to their team and indicate points of professional growth on a daily basis. The potential for speech analytics solutions is enormous. We plan to actively explore other cases and scenarios for using technology, which today transforms the user experience, taking it to a new level, and also brings a tangible business effect, "said Natalia Degtyareva, Head of VTB Accelerator.

2019: Completion of a pilot project to use an automated employee monitoring system to meet service standards

On November 19, 2019 bank VTB , he announced that he had successfully completed the pilot with a member of the corporate accelerator - the Russian the company. Voca-Tech The Voca Tech Automated Employee Monitoring System for Service Standards development of customers was tested in the interests of the department mortgage and auto business and the department of corporate digital business.

Voca Tech offers a solution that provides audio-based recording of an employee's voice using beamforming and voice activity detection technologies and provides extensive analytical tools. Voice analytics technologies enable the bank to control the level of quality of employee-client interaction and negotiations on the bank's front line, to additionally train employees, quickly put products on sale, etc. In addition, the analysis of the work of each employee allows you to assess the effectiveness of the existing sales methodology, determine ways to improve it, which can significantly affect the increase in customer loyalty and the quality of service in offices.

Within the framework of the pilot, the Voca Tech system monitored the quality of service and the fulfillment by bank employees of the stages of personal consultations and registration of a mortgage loan/refinancing in two Moscow branches. Experts from the field service for collecting documents and issuing products participated in the testing. The system made it possible to record the development of tasks for conducting transactions to identify the client, control the integrity and quality of the package of documents provided by the client.

Analysis of the bank's expert consultations allows to determine the points of growth of the customer service quality and approach the construction of the optimal sales methodology. With Voca Tech, managers can receive detailed reports on sales steps by each employee, assess their correlation with bank product sales data, reduce time to review employees and attend consultations in person. Automatic rating of employees allows you to work point-by-point on the development of their competencies.

Improving customer loyalty and satisfaction is a strategic priority for VTB. Therefore, services for working with clients are one of the key areas for selecting innovative startup solutions for the VTB accelerator. Voca Tech, using voice analytics technologies, not only implements the task of controlling the quality of customer service, but also allows you to improve the interaction models and competencies of bank employees,
said Natalia Degtyareva, VTB Accelerator Director

Voca Tech meets the requirements of integrating the technology into VTB's target IT architecture, the renewal of which is a strategically important task for the bank. Technological innovations will become the driver of the implementation of the bank's strategy in the next three years.