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Dubrovo Igor Glebovich
Dubrovo Igor Glebovich

Senior vice president, CEO of Lanit Ltd.


Was born on January 3, 1946 in Vittshtoka, Germany.

Is a pra-grandnephew of the famous medical officer of hospital of Burdenko - Dubrovo Illarion Ivanovich, the nobleman by origin who in Moscow made on May 25, 1883 a feat. Wrote all newspapers of that time about a feat: it saved the dying child from a diphtheria (made a cut of a neck and through a thin tubule personally sucked away films since the child choked), and itself caught this disease and died.

In the story by A.P. Chekhov Fidget is doctor Dymov whose prototype was Illarion Dubrovo (in due time he studied in an internship in France and it was wounded in fights for Shipka, Bulgaria).

In 1969 Igor Dubrovo graduated from Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics.

In 1987 graduated from Academy of National Economy at CM of the USSR.

Candidate of Economic Sciences.

1983: The deputy chief and the chief of GVTs in the State Bank/the Central Bank

1983 - - worked with 1996 in the Central bank, holding positions from the deputy chief of GVTs to the vice-chairman[1]. Under its direct management in central office and 69 regional centers the modern automated payment system of the country was developed and put into operation.

1983 - 1985 - the deputy chief of Major computer center of the State Bank of the USSR (GVTs).

1996: The vice-chairman of the State Committees on IT

Since 1996 - the vice-chairman of committee under the President of the Russian Federation on informatization policy, then the vice-chairman of the State committee of the Russian Federation on communication and informatization.

1999: Work in Lanit

Since 1999 Igor Dubrovo works in Lanit Group. Is responsible for all projects executed by the company for the Bank of Russia. Within these years it actively participated in the solution of operational and strategic issues of management of holding. Under its management all projects executed for the benefit of[1] are performed].

In 2005 it is appointed the CEO of Lanit Group[2]. In this position the circle of tasks of Igor Dubrovo includes implementation of interaction of governing bodies and structural divisions of holding, business development, improvement of the organization of marketing and sales, representation of interests of the company in interaction with state bodies, large commercial structures, public organizations, etc.

In recent years worked as the adviser to the president of Lanit.

2020: Death

On December 11 Lanit reported that Igor Dubrovo died. The cause of death in the company is not specified.

There was no Igor Glebovich Dubrovo, the person bright, extraordinary, figures of huge scale. Life stories of such people inspire us to be strong, not to be afraid of abrupt turns of destiny and weight of solutions on which the future of millions of people sometimes depends, said in the message which came to TAdviser.

The company noted that Igor Glebovich made an enormous personal deposit in development of a banking system of our country. It worked in the State Bank of the USSR, and then in the Bank of Russia those years when the issue of digitalization was particularly acute most.

Igor Glebovich headed this most difficult process which demanded professionalism, foresight, dedication, managerial talent, ability to lead. Igor Glebovich headed development and deployment of the first automated payment system of the country, - the staff of Lanit in the obituary notes.

Igor Glebovich gave more than 20 years of the life to Lanit.

And to work near it was a great honor to all of us. He participated in the solution of operational and strategic issues of management, was responsible for all numerous projects for the banking sector, was involved in all new directions of business development. Igor Glebovich's merits were mentioned by high government awards among which there is a medal of the award 'For Merits before the Fatherland' II of degree, - say in Lanit.

Added to the companies that its energy and thin sense of humour did not leave indifferent any interlocutor, and familiar expressions became a part of corporate culture Lanit. Igor Glebovich submitted the charm, ability always to find the proper and exact word in any situation, to support, inspire. He had the rare gift to build dialog in a command, to hear the different parties, to explain, create the positive atmosphere. His devotion and love to steel case by an example for several generations of young specialists of Lanit.

Lanit expressed sincere condolences to the family of Igor Glebovich Dubrovo. Edition TAdviser joins condolences.

It is possible to express condolences by e-mail

Farewell to Igor Glebovich will take place on Tuesday, December 15, on the Troyekurovskoye Cemetery.

Behind details, please, address to the press service Lanit:

+7 (495) 967-66-50, ext. 16888

Social and political activity

On November 21, 2005 - participated in a joint press conference of the companies GMCS and LANIT on which it was for the first time announced the strategic alliance with the purpose of promotion ERP of the product SSA LN (Baan 6.1) concluded by these companies in Russia, the Baltic States, the CIS. During the press conference the purposes of alliance and also issues of adaptation of a system to requirements of the Russian market, joint activity of the companies and price policy concerning SSA ERP LN and also were announced plans of each company in implementation of interests of clients according to new version 6.1. Besides, the first projects at the clients who signed contracts for implementation of SSA ERP LN[3] were announced].

Member of thematic community "Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving"[4].


Medal "In Memory of Celebration of the 850 Anniversary of Moscow"

It is awarded with the anniversary medal "In Memory of Celebration of the 850 Anniversary of Moscow".

The decree of the Russian President No. 48 of February 3, 2015 Igor Dubrovo for the achieved labor success and long-term fair work is awarded with a medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree.

Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree

According to the decree of the president on the state awards, rewarding with this medal is made "for implementation of affairs in the industry and agriculture, construction, specific and useful to the country, and on transport, in science and education, health care and culture and in other areas of a labor activity".

Scientific activity

The academician of the International academy of communication, has more than 100 scientific works.


  • Dubrovo Igor Glebovich. The distributed databanks: Studies. benefit / I.G. Dubrovo, V.A. Tanoshkina; Under the editorship of N.I. Voloskov. M.: MESI, 1981[5].
