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The name of the base system (platform): Zadarma IP-telefonii Service
Date of the premiere of the system: September, 2019
Technology: CRM,  SaaS - Software as service


The service of cloud telephony Zadarma provided in the fall of 2019 a free CRM system of ZCRM. The cloud solution of CRM Zadarma will help to call and receive calls in CRM, to fix the history of relationship with the existing and potential clients, to watch efficiency of sales and work of managers, to listen to a call recording in ZCRM.

"All as before - we continue to expand a show-window of services with free products which are directly connected with telephony. We do not leave from our philosophy anywhere - clients should pay only for 'live' services - in our case for outgoing calls and for lease of virtual numbers. ZCRM is completely integrated from our cloud automatic telephone exchange and will become the excellent solution for segments of SOHO and small business. We already received an excellent feedback on a beta cycle of ZCRM and now we represent official release. Of course, we will continue to develop a product and we believe that we will compete also in this separate market, we have everything at once - both telephony, and the system of work with clients, and the main thing the price, more precisely its absence', - representatives of service of telephony Zadarma told.

In the list of basic functions of ZCRM: calls to clients from the browser in one click via the built-in WEB PHONE; joint work 50+ of employees; automatic creation of leads at incoming calls from unknown numbers and outgoing calls on new numbers; the automatic direction of calls on the responsible; export and import of base of clients from other CRM or tables; display in a card of the client of all customer interaction history - records of calls, notes, documents; convenient display of the current tasks: a kanban, the list or in the calendar.