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Баннер в шапке 2

Microcosm of SPC



The Mikromir research and production center is engaged in development and release of means on the basis of bacteriophages. Means of SPC Mikromir is ecological conditioning agents behind a microbiome, means which promote strengthening of its stability naturally.

The microbiome is a set of the bacteria, mushrooms, viruses and the simplest organisms living on a body and in the person. Its genetic device exceeds human genome approximately by 400 times. The microbiome with its variety and high speed of adaptation allows a healthy organism to adapt easily to different environmental activities and also to resist to infectious diseases.

The purpose of the company — eco-friendly impact on a microbiome for preserving of the correct interaction of microbic community and a macroorganism.

In 2020 the company makes and delivers to more than 40 cities of Russia four complex means on the basis of the bacteriophages promoting improvement of protective properties of an organism:

  • Otofag (for a microbiota of upper airways),
  • Fagodent (for an oral cavity microbiota),
  • Fagoderm (for skin) and
  • Fagogin (for a microbiota of the intimate sphere).