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Vicarious Surgical robot surgeon

Developers: Vicarious Surgical
Date of the premiere of the system: December, 2019
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

2019: Admission to transaction

At the end of December, 2019 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the first time officially allowed before transaction of the robot surgeon with functions of virtual reality. The corresponding permission was got by Vicarious Surgical company. Its device was not only is approved by the regulator, but also received the status of a disruptive technology — for the first time in the history of robotic surgery.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the first time officially allowed before transaction of the robot surgeon with functions of virtual reality

The CEO and the cofounder of Vicarious Surgical company Adam Sachs told about the used technologies:

Everything begins with paradigm shift of interaction of the person and the computer, and the shift of this paradigm is provided with implementation of virtual reality — Sacks explained. — We supplied the device with the user interface with visual immersion which is so convincing that the surgeon as if appears in the patient. We integrated new type of interaction of the person with the computer with our own developments — the patented design of miniature robotics.

The purpose of the company consists in allowing surgeons to execute transaction through "a uniform microsection". Vicarious Surgical try to achieve it using application of a miniature robotic system. The manipulator of the Vicarious Surgical robot has nine degrees of freedom. All movement happens in an abdominal cavity therefore developers created the system much more of the smaller size, than usually used. It allowed to reduce costs and to considerably reduce weight in comparison with the existing systems of robotic surgery. Such innovations allow the robot to imitate precisely the movements of hands of the surgeon, developers claim.

Vicarious Surgical hopes to receive the additional help in promotion of the device on the market thanks to the program of assistance disruptive to technologies of FDA (FDA Breakthrough Devices Program).[1]
