Customers: Taurian CB
Contractors: Center of Financial Technologies (CFT) Product: CFT LoyaltyНа базе: CFT Platform 1 Project date: 2019/09 - 2019/11
2019: Release of the Art card
On December 30, 2019 CFT reported that the Taurian Bank (autonomous area) began release of a product, special for the Russian market, – the Art cards which are specially intended for judges of the world of art.
Using the Art card, her holder gets points which he can spend for acquisition of tickets in theaters, the museums and on exhibitions of the whole world. The art card allows to save points the accelerated rates: according to the card 5% by points for all transactions of purchases and another 5% in points on balance on the card account are charged at an average monthly remaining balance from 5000 rubles.
Specialists of CFT in the shortest possible time, in only 1.5 months, performed a complex of the works providing functioning of this card product. Loyalty program infrastructure was unrolled, its rules are configured, the loyalty module in RBS of bank on the platform in which the client – the participant of the loyalty program can browse in addition to financial transactions balance of the saved-up points, the history of charge and write-off of points is installed and also to compensate by the points perfect purchases of theater tickets, the museum, cinema or other cultural organizations of the whole world.
The technology platform of CFT Loyalty provides processing of files with transactions of clients and a remaining balance on the card, formation of all necessary reports. Besides, CFT also provided the automated workplace for employees of a back office, contact center and division of claims activities of the Taurian Bank (autonomous area). In the automated workplace access to independent setup and correction of a condition of actions, and the specialists of bank responsible for communication with clients is open for employees of a back office the tool to the complete information on points of participants of the program is provided.